Monday, October 30, 2006
Great Way To End It
Well I was looking forward to watching the Vikings on MNF, but I thought they'd actually play, not just show up and get showed up. So it's almost midnight and I'm heading to bed....and I hear Hannah downstairs crying. Should be a great night.
I probably shouldn't even be wasting time trying to post right now, but oh well. It's been a day of constant interruptions. I really think I need to get more of my stuff so I can get away from here. I needed to be home to help Lora out while she went to a scheduled appointment, but the neighbor kids have been over (which is great but distracting - no school today) Hannah's been fussy most of the day, everybody's been asking me transferred to my laptop"little" questions, and I just can't think.....arrrghgh.
Ok, it's out of my system. I almost feel better. Off I go to Tyler's football practice. And I just need to add....
what's up with USC losing to an unranked opponent and still being ranked ahead of Notre Dame? Didn't Auburn lose to previously unranked team - at home? Oh well. Go Vikings...they play tonight on MNF.
Ok, it's out of my system. I almost feel better. Off I go to Tyler's football practice. And I just need to add....
what's up with USC losing to an unranked opponent and still being ranked ahead of Notre Dame? Didn't Auburn lose to previously unranked team - at home? Oh well. Go Vikings...they play tonight on MNF.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Where's My Stuff?
Ok, so it's Saturday evening, I'm trying to make sure all the videos of the messages are downloaded to the computer, and I can't find some important the whole camera bag (charger, tapes, cables, etc) Where is it you ask? Probably in someone's custody because they found it at Tanner's football game on Wednesday. Thank goodness I have the camera still, but the case and the tapes and other stuff...nope. If we're lucky it will turn up in lost and found over at the Winterville Parks and Rec complex. If not...somebody's just not very nice taking that stuff.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Little Puzzle?
I've been thinking a bunch lately and we were talking today in our staff meeting (or staph infection as Claude likes to call it) about how we're not exactly where I'd like to be or thought we'd be when it comes to planting this church. I envisioned more people and faster growth (like at least twice where we're at now) but I'm beginning to accept that it's just the stage we're at. Don't get me wrong, I'm still not satisfied and will continue to work hard, but I think I "get it" a little better. I was thinking that this church is a little like a puzzle. Unfortunately, I was expecting to start off with a big ol' 1,000 piece puzzle, but right now we're working on what seems like a 24 piece Seasame Street puzzle. But I'm ok with that because I'm hearing about the life-change and transformation that's happening two different couples who attended a marriage conference this weekend and one guy is now ready to love his wife even better and to start praying with her outloud to help build real intimacy. Another guy who went with his fiance' is ready to move out and live independently (after living together for over a year) so they can honor God and prepare themselves for a successful marriage even though it's still almost a year away. Oh, and less than two months ago, this guy became a follower of Jesus. That's what if there's only 24 pieces right now.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
One Of Those Days
Ever have one of "those days"? You know, the kind where it's not any one thing in particular that throws it off, but a constant flow of one more thing. Since getting the truck (Whoo HOO!) that last couple days were like that. Try to get stuff done and get interrupted every time I start. First it's a phone call, then it's a baby crying because she needs a nap, then it's someone shouting they need me, then Hannah spits up all over me, then people can't find something, then it's an email I wasn't prepared to respond to, then the baby's crying because she's done with her nap early, then somebody's lost and needs directions, then it's time for Tyler's football game, but nobody has eaten, then nobody is even at the field even though the time and location match the schedule, then Hannah pukes on me again, then it's my birthday but people are ticked at me because they feel I'm making selfish and stupid decisions, then I go golfing. Yep, it was just one long one of those days.
Let's hope today is better. Go Irish - I hope they put up 60 points on UCLA. It'd make me feel better. I've still got to close down the pool (never done that before), finish stuff for Sunday's service (Chandler and my birthday along with relatives from out of state and missing Claude and Sheila and other key help for Sunday doesn't really help). But on the plus side, I've got a new truck I don't deserve, my wife understands and is encouraging, and God knows my struggles and wants to change me to be more like Christ through them. I'll take that.
Let's hope today is better. Go Irish - I hope they put up 60 points on UCLA. It'd make me feel better. I've still got to close down the pool (never done that before), finish stuff for Sunday's service (Chandler and my birthday along with relatives from out of state and missing Claude and Sheila and other key help for Sunday doesn't really help). But on the plus side, I've got a new truck I don't deserve, my wife understands and is encouraging, and God knows my struggles and wants to change me to be more like Christ through them. I'll take that.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I've Been Blessed!
It's been a week or so because my internet filter service decided that wasn't safe and they blocked it. I kept forgetting to tell Lora and she finally added it to my OK to access list, so now I'm back on line...and just in time. Check this out.
Yes, that's MY truck!!!! I almost can't believe it myself. Short story. Lora's parent's had a neighbor who drove this for work, his work got him a new truck and GAVE him this one (with 246,000 miles on it) So, we got a real good deal on it and Lora's Mom and grandparents just drove it up from FL....all I can say is WOW, I'VE GOT A TRUCK (and don't need to drive in the leaky, stinky Saturn)

Since last time, Tanner got his hair cut (by his mother not me) and now he's got a mowhawk. I think it looks great.

Figured it had been a while sine I put up a picture of my girls, so here's one. Hannah is now 3 months old and Sarah loves her to death.

And finally, A friend from Florida is up here visiting hoping to land a job so he can move with his family up here and help with Discovery Church. He's a real practical joker and true to form, found out where Randy and Laci Strickland live and while they were in Florida at a wedding, he bribed their house sitter and 'painted' their precious dog "Princess" pink. Here's a picture of the pink Princess puppy. Unfortunately, I'm now on Randy's "hit list" so I'm sure since I knew about it I'll be paid back. Oh well...

Yes, that's MY truck!!!! I almost can't believe it myself. Short story. Lora's parent's had a neighbor who drove this for work, his work got him a new truck and GAVE him this one (with 246,000 miles on it) So, we got a real good deal on it and Lora's Mom and grandparents just drove it up from FL....all I can say is WOW, I'VE GOT A TRUCK (and don't need to drive in the leaky, stinky Saturn)

Since last time, Tanner got his hair cut (by his mother not me) and now he's got a mowhawk. I think it looks great.

Figured it had been a while sine I put up a picture of my girls, so here's one. Hannah is now 3 months old and Sarah loves her to death.

And finally, A friend from Florida is up here visiting hoping to land a job so he can move with his family up here and help with Discovery Church. He's a real practical joker and true to form, found out where Randy and Laci Strickland live and while they were in Florida at a wedding, he bribed their house sitter and 'painted' their precious dog "Princess" pink. Here's a picture of the pink Princess puppy. Unfortunately, I'm now on Randy's "hit list" so I'm sure since I knew about it I'll be paid back. Oh well...
Monday, October 09, 2006
Great Conference! Good Weekend
Well, we all made it back from the Catalyst Conference and it was great. I think all of us were challenged, encouraged and refreshed being around 10,000 others who want to help change the world through Jesus Christ one life at a time. Out of all of it I think my biggest take-a-ways are
After we got back, we of course held a service on Sunday. I've got to say, I'm not sure what's going on. It seems like we're almost going backwards in numbers, but I'm encouraged by some of the life-change and transformational stories people tell me. Size isn't the only indicator of health, but it's still one of the indicators and I'd like to see us grow more by that measurement standard. The good part was that Sunday night, I got to go and help Dusty and CrossLink and lead music with Randy and Davey for our new band "Sugarloaf" (we just made up the name on the spot - kinda). I had a lot of fun and think everyone else did too. But sometimes I wonder what it's all for and wonder if all our effort and work is really making a difference at all. Only time will tell really.
- I need to work more from my strengths and less
on what I'm just not that good at - I can't be creative and innovative if I'm not having
fun so I need to schedule play times - There are greater injustices in the world than what's
happening in my little world, but I can help make a
difference and I need to - The church and the Jesus we sometimes offer focuses too
much on offering a "product" to the "consumer" than offering
real long-term life-changing hope to those who need it - My behavior and beliefs don't always line up - (there are
some non-believers I really don't care about even though
I want to and say I do) That's not a good thing, but I'm
sure Jesus can help change my heart now that I recognize
the cold hard truth.
After we got back, we of course held a service on Sunday. I've got to say, I'm not sure what's going on. It seems like we're almost going backwards in numbers, but I'm encouraged by some of the life-change and transformational stories people tell me. Size isn't the only indicator of health, but it's still one of the indicators and I'd like to see us grow more by that measurement standard. The good part was that Sunday night, I got to go and help Dusty and CrossLink and lead music with Randy and Davey for our new band "Sugarloaf" (we just made up the name on the spot - kinda). I had a lot of fun and think everyone else did too. But sometimes I wonder what it's all for and wonder if all our effort and work is really making a difference at all. Only time will tell really.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Day One
All I can say is WOW! The first day of Catalyst was great. Talk about an experience. It wasn't just about another conference...hearing people more popular and 'productive' than me, instead it was about being valued, and challenged as a leader in one of the most difficult leadership environments on the planet. From the moment we got there, they literally rolled out the red carpet. Hearing from Andy Stanley was great...he's so good at boiling it down to just one thing. The one thing is that
Leadership people like Marcus Buckingham and John Maxwell spoke - the main gist? Lead from your strengths and stop wasting so much time and effort trying to improve your weaknesses. We even had a special appearance by Jeff Foxworthy (a believing Christian I might add). There were breakdancers, an full gospel choir, hot air ballon rides, bungee jumping, pomp and circumstance and even horses being ridden inside the arena by guys who dressed like knights. Excellent...just excellent - a fully engrossing experience.
But perhaps the most powerful part was near the end. We were over time by 45 minutes or so, and the last Gary Haugen just finished speaking about the church's responsibility when it comes to injustice -specifically when it comes to human trafficking or slavery (forced labor and prostitution). We were all singing and worshipping when someone about a mile away crashed into a power pole and killed ALL the power in the ENTIRE arena. The lights, projectors, sound, everything went down...except the drums....and then in the quiet you could start to hear the guitars and a faint sound of voices....then more....then many more, singing to the King together without missing even a beat. Reminded me that the "power" isn't in cords, lights, guitar amps, speakers or video screens - - the power is in Jesus Christ working in His church, through people like me and our staff and the people of Discovery. We have no power apart from Christ and unlimited power with him. I so badly needed that re-charging moment.
Leadership is a stewardship
which can be taken away at any time
and we're accountable for it.
Leadership people like Marcus Buckingham and John Maxwell spoke - the main gist? Lead from your strengths and stop wasting so much time and effort trying to improve your weaknesses. We even had a special appearance by Jeff Foxworthy (a believing Christian I might add). There were breakdancers, an full gospel choir, hot air ballon rides, bungee jumping, pomp and circumstance and even horses being ridden inside the arena by guys who dressed like knights. Excellent...just excellent - a fully engrossing experience.
But perhaps the most powerful part was near the end. We were over time by 45 minutes or so, and the last Gary Haugen just finished speaking about the church's responsibility when it comes to injustice -specifically when it comes to human trafficking or slavery (forced labor and prostitution). We were all singing and worshipping when someone about a mile away crashed into a power pole and killed ALL the power in the ENTIRE arena. The lights, projectors, sound, everything went down...except the drums....and then in the quiet you could start to hear the guitars and a faint sound of voices....then more....then many more, singing to the King together without missing even a beat. Reminded me that the "power" isn't in cords, lights, guitar amps, speakers or video screens - - the power is in Jesus Christ working in His church, through people like me and our staff and the people of Discovery. We have no power apart from Christ and unlimited power with him. I so badly needed that re-charging moment.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
After a forever long drive in a rented minivan with the rest of the staff and Randy, we're finally at Dusty's parent's house on the north side of Georgia. Why are we here? Because we're headed to the Catalyst Conference and I'm totally excited about all we're going to be exposed to and praying that we'll be able to pick up and implement at least a few of the ideas we hear about. It's so important to be able to get away and be exposed to different viewpoints and ideas TOGETHER as a staff.
Yesterday we spent most of the day looking back on the past, identifying where we believe God is working and directing us, and formulating our theme for 2007. I'm pretty excited and think we've latched on to something that will help guide are planning and scheduling as we layout 2007. We'll share more as we get it defined, but we won't roll it out totally until the beginning of the year (at least 3 more months). I've got to say, it feels good to have things planned and perculating this far out. I think we'll do a much better job at executing our services and events in '07 because of it.
Yesterday we spent most of the day looking back on the past, identifying where we believe God is working and directing us, and formulating our theme for 2007. I'm pretty excited and think we've latched on to something that will help guide are planning and scheduling as we layout 2007. We'll share more as we get it defined, but we won't roll it out totally until the beginning of the year (at least 3 more months). I've got to say, it feels good to have things planned and perculating this far out. I think we'll do a much better job at executing our services and events in '07 because of it.
Monday, October 02, 2006
How It Went
I'm working on next week's message in our series "Just Lust" and need a break. Figured I'd share how things went yesterday. Like I said earlier, I didn't want to even talk about it and still don't, but I've got to say that God's hand was definitely on me. I felt calm and heard more than a few comments and have gotten a few emails already saying that it was a good service. That's great, but I'll be more happy if I see lives changed and guys stop clicking on internet crap that can shipwreck their faith, marriages, self-esteem, careers and the people around them.
There were two distinctly memorable moments yesterday. the first is when I brought out a pair of handcuffs to illustrate how we get bound up and restrained from living the life God has for us. The memorable part happened when I took them out and said, "Now I know what you're thinking...pastor's talking about lust and pulls out a pair of handcuffs...this is just too wierd" I meant to break some of the tension, what I hadn't thought through, was my follow up question which asked, "now what are these for?" I unwittingly set the audience up to be thinking about some off color stuff when I asked that question. It made for a somewhat uncomfortable funny. I mean, what would you think handcuffs were for in the context of a discussion on sex and lust?
The other moment came at the end. We'd talked about pressing the delete button in our mind and how it's not as hard as we think. It's not only easy (once we decide to do it) but it's worth it. So I got an Easy Button from Staples that says "Well that was easy" every time you pressed it. At the end of the service, I challenged people to get up and press the button as a way to show they're serious about deleting lust in their lives. So while some music played, people came up and one-by-one they pressed the button and I heard over and over again, "Well that was easy." A lot of people responded...good, sad, scary.
One more thing. The rest of the day was a constant blur. We packed up the trailer and everything after church, took the whole family out to eat with another couple from church. I think their two teenage girls probably learned a lot about our family by sitting with my kids. From there, Lora took Tyler to meet with his football team, get his game jersey and do a walk through, while I took the van and the rest of the kids home to change, get Tyler's football clothes and some clothes for Lora. Here's how that went. Hannah (2 mos) cried, no, screamed, most of the drive and almost the whole time we were at home. Chandler (5) threatened to puke when I asked him to make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that we could take to the game. Tanner (8) yelled at Hannah because she kept screaming and then Sarah (2) started crying. Why you ask? Because she tried to go to the bathroom, couldn't get her underwear down, and ended up peeing all over herself, her shoes and the bathroom floor. And I though we'd be in and out in 6 minutes or less. Cleaned it up, cleaned me up, changed clothes, found clothes and loaded everyone (including the screaming baby) in the car to rendezvous with Lora and Tyler. Lora fed Hannah, we drove to the game and watched Tyler's team get creamed (and poor Tyler only got to play like 2 plays) Finally, we got home a little after 8. Not a bad 13 hour day for the pastor.
There were two distinctly memorable moments yesterday. the first is when I brought out a pair of handcuffs to illustrate how we get bound up and restrained from living the life God has for us. The memorable part happened when I took them out and said, "Now I know what you're thinking...pastor's talking about lust and pulls out a pair of handcuffs...this is just too wierd" I meant to break some of the tension, what I hadn't thought through, was my follow up question which asked, "now what are these for?" I unwittingly set the audience up to be thinking about some off color stuff when I asked that question. It made for a somewhat uncomfortable funny. I mean, what would you think handcuffs were for in the context of a discussion on sex and lust?
The other moment came at the end. We'd talked about pressing the delete button in our mind and how it's not as hard as we think. It's not only easy (once we decide to do it) but it's worth it. So I got an Easy Button from Staples that says "Well that was easy" every time you pressed it. At the end of the service, I challenged people to get up and press the button as a way to show they're serious about deleting lust in their lives. So while some music played, people came up and one-by-one they pressed the button and I heard over and over again, "Well that was easy." A lot of people responded...good, sad, scary.
One more thing. The rest of the day was a constant blur. We packed up the trailer and everything after church, took the whole family out to eat with another couple from church. I think their two teenage girls probably learned a lot about our family by sitting with my kids. From there, Lora took Tyler to meet with his football team, get his game jersey and do a walk through, while I took the van and the rest of the kids home to change, get Tyler's football clothes and some clothes for Lora. Here's how that went. Hannah (2 mos) cried, no, screamed, most of the drive and almost the whole time we were at home. Chandler (5) threatened to puke when I asked him to make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that we could take to the game. Tanner (8) yelled at Hannah because she kept screaming and then Sarah (2) started crying. Why you ask? Because she tried to go to the bathroom, couldn't get her underwear down, and ended up peeing all over herself, her shoes and the bathroom floor. And I though we'd be in and out in 6 minutes or less. Cleaned it up, cleaned me up, changed clothes, found clothes and loaded everyone (including the screaming baby) in the car to rendezvous with Lora and Tyler. Lora fed Hannah, we drove to the game and watched Tyler's team get creamed (and poor Tyler only got to play like 2 plays) Finally, we got home a little after 8. Not a bad 13 hour day for the pastor.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Don't Like This
I'm on my way out to set up for services. It's not even 7AM yet. I don't mind this's actually really nice outside (except for it's still pretty dark - whoa) What I'm not liking is what I'm talking about today.
Today we start a new series called Just Lust. It's about lust and all the stuff that goes with it. We're adapting it from a series that Fellowship Church did. Let's just say, I know it's going to be hard for people to attend and listen to, but it's stuff the church needs to talk about because the negative consequences love secrecy. I'm so not looking forward to this. Please be praying for me and the staff and the church as we try to tackle this difficult subject head on.
Today we start a new series called Just Lust. It's about lust and all the stuff that goes with it. We're adapting it from a series that Fellowship Church did. Let's just say, I know it's going to be hard for people to attend and listen to, but it's stuff the church needs to talk about because the negative consequences love secrecy. I'm so not looking forward to this. Please be praying for me and the staff and the church as we try to tackle this difficult subject head on.
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