Monday, March 31, 2008

Something To Get Excited About

Even though yesterday was cold and rainy, it was a good day.
  • The whole service was great: the music, the energy, the number of guests I saw. I was glad to be there and experience it with everyone
  • We kicked off Outlets (small group) sign ups and I saw a lot of new people who were signing up for groups. In fact, it looks like all 6 groups added some people and we're starting 2 new ones that had people signing up there too. I love Outlets
  • We're doing another baptism next week and so we shot the video testimonies after church for some of the people who are getting baptized. I love hearing stories and am excited that they'll be at least 6 getting baptized.
  • Was great to see some new people at my Outlet (and some that will be there next week)
  • Got some news yesterday that wasn't good news, but really made me realize that God is in control and He's totally trustworthy. I'll be able to share more but not for a while - still have to sort some things out.
  • Got an email from someone saying how they're making some changes in part because of the last series we did (The Price Is Right) and so they're looking to get rid of their brand new car (and car payments) and buy something they own. I love when Biblical principles make their way into practical applications!

It's good to have things to get excited about, and even though I love sports and watched the NCAA games on yesterday and even got excited about those, nothing compares to getting excited about what God is doing. He's done so much FOR us, when I surrender and stay out of the way He does so much IN me and for some strange reason I'll never understand He chooses to work THROUGH me too. That's something to get excited about.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Out For A Bit

The family and I are going camping!  Yep, 5 kids under 12 and my wife and I are off to 'rough it' in a tent.  Short trip, but should be fun.  That obviously means I won't be posting anything for a couple days.

If you want to read a few other blogs and broaden your horizons, these will keep you busy.

  • Brad Christian - he's working with lights and video and wrote a post that generated a lot of response.  Check it out HERE and be sure to read the comments section!
  • Gary Lamb - this guy is full throttle, pull no punches, doin a good thing in GA.  You'll definitely want to read about how they had thousands upon thousands of people show up for their Easter egg hunt  and the fallout from that.  Check it out HERE and HERE with photos starting HERE
  • Perry Noble - common everyday guy who happens to love Jesus deeply and lead a church of nearly 10,000.  Try this one on for size - Click HERE
  • Seth Godin - lots of insights from a guy who just observes what happens around him, particularly in marketing and time management.  Click HERE for a fun one

That should keep you busy until I get back.  Now get outside and enjoy the weather - you shouldn't be wasting your time reading this anyway!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rather Be

Perhaps I sound like I'm complaining lately (and maybe I am) but I'm looking out the window, seeing the sun, knowing that I'd enjoy the outdoors more than the indoors but also knowing that I've got to get some things done first. All I know is that I'll be done with as much as I'm going to do in a few hours. After that, I've got a short video shoot and then I'm finished and am taking my family camping. We're going to enjoy the great outdoors and some much needed family time.

Even though I have camping to look forward to, right now I'd still rather be outside playing.

We all need to take a break, escape and get away from our work. We need to make it a point to invest focused and undivided time with our families. I know for a fact that I need to do that with my wife more - we've gotten off schedule and out of habit and I can tell it's effecting us. So, do what you have to do and then leave - and take your wife or family with you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gotta Get Away

Every Monday from 2-5 I get away and have something I call my GTO (God Time Only).  Since we have a few acres 'out back' I went out there.  I believe I've been inspired to build me a man cave of sorts because I really liked it out there especially since it's so close to the house but so secluded from the busyness and distractions in my house.  I'm seeing a father son project, hauling lumber through the woods and building a hidden fort.  We'll see.  Feel free to donate to the cause!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Claude is great!!!!!!!!!

he is awesome!
and really good looking!!!!

Spiritual Battles

While I'm excited (truly) about all that God did through different people and ministries around the country this Easter, (see here, here or here) I have to say that in the days leading up to it - I wasn't feeling it.  I wanted to, but about the only thing I was feeling was pressure, frustration and your everyday spiritual attacks.  

I'm not writing this to whine, seek sympathy or anything other than just share the other side.  Our service was great, we had the most people we've ever had and there was a level of excitement.  Yet the time leading up to it was brutal for me.  In fact, I'm still feeling attacked.  I've been checking my motives, my attitude and my Bible to see what's up and see if I can reclaim some of the ground I feel like I've lost.  I feel almost like I missed Easter.

All this to say there really is (still) a spiritual battle raging around us and whether I like it or not, I'm a target and so are you.  Celebrate the good times, share the Good News and expect some bad days.  And if you wouldn't mind, would you say a prayer or two for me this week.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Know What You're Missing

It was only last week that we were at the Unleash Conference at New Spring Church in Anderson, SC. Don't think for a second that I'm still not processing what I picked up. In fact, if you read this and are in any way connected with Discovery Church, I'd like to ask you to help me process some of this information. It will take an investment of your time, but I think you'll be better for it.

So here's what you do. Go to the Unleash site. Watch the main session videos if you'd like (give yourself at least an hour for each one). Check out the PDF's of the breakout sessions and read through the ones that interest you. After you get a feel for what's there, email me your comments, suggestions, ideas, etc. Nothing is off limits - give me the good, bad and ugly of what we do (but make sure if you're telling me the bad stuff, you include a solution or two)

Can't wait to hear what you guys think and come up with.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Finally Coming Together

Easter is going to be GREAT, and it's finally coming together (nothing like cutting it down to the wire!) I'm more excited then stressed now, expectantly waiting for you guys to bring your friends and neighbors and any other people you know to church Sunday (or strangers you simply throw into your car and force to go with you - we'll take them too)

I'm excited about the band and the set they're playing - you do NOT want to get there late.
I'm excited about the series we're kicking off - I think we'll see some big things happen
I'm excited about the message I've got - dude, it's good news
I'm excited about the stage and children's ministry (you can check those out HERE)
I'm most excited about the fact that JESUS ROSE FROM THE GRAVE!

Spinning Fast

I'm sure you've seen plate spinners before. If not, go here.

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit like that now. Easter is almost here, tons to do, all of it's important and it's already Thursday. OK, one's about to fall....back to the plates.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Feeling Smarter

After a full day learning just the basics of the logos Libronix software that I use, I can say I already feel smarter. I've always been impressed with this thing, but after today, I'm beyond impressed. This is simply an amazing program that makes it possible to study the Bible, deeply, whether you know Greek or Hebrew or not. If you've ever considered upping your game when it comes to Bible study, I'll recommend this hands down. Just the basic version comes with something like 70 books - and the best part is you'll never have to turn a page, just click your mouse.

I can honestly say I'm really excited to learn more but almost worried that I might want to spend too much time studying and not enough time with people!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

On The Road Again

Whirlwind weekend for me.  After being at the Unleash conference in SC last week, came home, spent some time with the family and held church this morning and then off to Charlotte for a training seminar on how to better use the software I use to study and prepare for messages.  I'm staying at the house of some friends even though they're not even here!  I love having friends like that all over the country - I'll have to go play pool on the third floor before bed tonight!

I stuck around after church as long as possible because we had a sound consultant come in to help us solve some of the continuing issues we've had (mostly dealing with inconsistencies).  Let me just say that the time I did spend with them had me very impressed and very encouraged.  We'll see what everyone else thought, but I'm sure we'll finally invest some money in our own speakers since we've been borrowing since pretty much day one.

Don't know how much blogging I'll do since I'll be sitting in a seminar all day Mon and Tues, but I'll do what I can.  Gonna try and get you a picture of a HUGE church just down the road.  Here's a sneak peak

Friday, March 14, 2008


Wow, that's a long drive, but we're back in town. Unleash was great. Left early this morning and took a different route which ended up being 100+ miles of back woods, South Carolina country roads. Still got Davey home pretty close to when he needed to be here though. And my fine traveling companions didn't do anything to ease the monotony, they all slept! Thanks a lot guys.

Still processing a lot of what was talked about. All too often I want to come back and just change everything but that wouldn't be the best idea. So I'll chew on stuff for a few days and pray some more about stuff I was thinking about before we even went. We'll see and you'll hear or notice if we make any changes.

I will say this though, next year we're bringing a bunch more people - so worth the trip even if it is a good days drive.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Just finished lunch at the Unleash conference and I'm already excited.  Can't wait to hear the rest of the day.  Hadn't ever been to New Spring church before but I'm impressed....not so much with the facilities (although they're great!) but with the hospitality. These people get it.  There must be 200-300 volunteers running around here making sure people know where to go and that they get whatever they candy or lunch or restrooms or whatever.  New Spring volunteers rock!

Perry really drove home some thoughts this morning from Luke 15 and the story of the prodigal son.  He looked at what happened when the bad son returned and the attitude and actions of the "good" son.  Here's just a few of the take-a-ways
  • the older son was so busy "working" out in the field that he totally missed his father's heart (which was for his lost son)
  • you'll never know what God wants to do unless you spend time with Him
  • inspiration is ok, but revelation is what's really needed (we need specifics from God sometimes)
  • don't let your personal preference get in the way of what God wants to do
  • when God is moving (regardless of where) we need to celebrate
  • nothing matters more than people returning to Jesus - that's the purpose of the church!

Nothing new really but this is a great reminder that too often the church is like the older son and not enough like the Father.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Easter Is SOON

I meet a lot of people and it seems like all too often, people feel like they're not really making a difference in the world. They're discontent, unsatisfied and ultimately UNfulfilled. Jesus coming to earth didn't change all that, but Jesus' death certainly did. If you or anybody you know is feeling this way, make sure you're at our Easter service as we kick off this new series that I think will move people from frustration to fulfillment.

Headin' Out

As often as possible I like to engage and expose myself to bigger thinking. One of the best ways to do that is through conferences (and sometimes seminars). Books can make you think different, but conferences make you feel different. So Claude and Sheila, Davey and Janelle and myself are headed to the Unleash conference at New Spring Church in SC. It's a one day deal that happens tomorrow. Still being a new church with somewhat limited cashflow, I've called in a favor to some friends who live about 30 minutes away and we're staying there tonight and tomorrow (it's a good reason not to burn your bridges - wasn't hard in this case since I like these folks)

Anyhow, I may or may not blog, but I'll see you all on Sunday and am stoked about what I feel God gave me to share with you as we close out the Price Is Right.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Considering we're doing a series on money at church and this week I'll be sharing about what the Bible has to say about giving and investing, I thought this would be an interesting question to solicit some opinions. So, in regard to the statement printed on the dollar bill above, "IN GOD WE TRUST"...

Do we?

Who's "we"?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Could Do Better (part 4)

I've limited my list of things I could do better to the top ones, and I'm feeling good about this one even though it made my list? Why? Because I'm pretty sure it's on everyone's list. What is it? It's leadership. When it comes to leading other people, I could surely do better, but it's more important than that....I NEED to do better.

I've read a bunch of leadership books, listened to leadership tapes, been to leadership seminars and taken classes on it and there's so much more out there. I laugh at people who teach or write or speak and think they can boil leadership down to a few bullet points. It always sounds simple but putting it effectively into practice is never that easy, I don't care what they say.

Here are a few of the things I'm working on to help me improve in this area:
  • Listen a lot. Sometimes this is hard because I feel like I know what needs to be done and I just want to communicate that, but I need to listen first and make sure I understand where people are coming from and how to best communicate with them. I practice this a lot in my marriage and it keeps me out of trouble....listen first.
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate again. I have this problem with assuming that people know what I'm thinking and know where I'm going and then I get frustrated because they haven't read my mind (hold on, that sounds like a woman). I'm really working at clearly communicating expectations again and again. Since I think about it so much though, it's easy to fall into the trap that everyone else must have too. I'm learning you can't assume people know anything. If you want them to, you need to communicate it to them yourself (after you've listened to them) and do it over and over.
  • Stretching. No, not the calisthenic type before you work out, but the mental type. I read blogs, magazines and books that challenge me, push me and stretch me to consider different approaches or solutions. I pick people's brains - which is even more stretching if it's people that are not like me. Force yourself to think different or you might end up thinking you know everything.
  • Seek wisdom. One of the best things I've done is hired a coach. This is someone who asks me questions to help me process from different angles, leadership decisions that will effect the health and growth of the church. It's not that I think I'm too stupid to figure it out on my own, it's that I know I am and there's wisdom in a multitude of counselors. Sometimes all it takes is someone asking the right question.
  • Apologize. Nobody likes to be wrong and that includes me. But inevitably, I make mistakes and oftentimes it effects other people. When that happens, I work to find them and apologize for my mistake. And I don't stop at saying I'm sorry, I ask them for their forgiveness even if it's a so called "little thing." It seems to me that raises the bar.

Like I said, this is what I could do better and what I'm working on when it comes to leadership. Any ideas that you've run across which have really helped you?

Friday, March 07, 2008

Could Do Better (part 3)

Since there's no such thing as a perfect person, I'm much more comfortable posting different areas where I know I could do better.  Today, as this week has proven, I'll talk about how I could undoubtedly do better at taking time off.  For some of you workaholics out there, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  You get so wrapped up in what you're doing that you lose perspective and suddenly, life revolves around work.

I'm privileged to actually love what I do and so a lot of the time, it doesn't even seem like work.  The fact that I have no real office other than home or whatever free wi-fi location I find certainly only adds to the blurred lines between work and rest.  Add in the times where unscheduled but not unnecessary ministry tasks pop up and you can see why I might be struggling to do better in this area.

Here's what I'm doing to improve in this area:
  • Schedule time off and away before anything else.  When the year started, Lora and I sat down and scheduled days and blocks of time when I would take time off.  Its March - so far so good.
  • Have a definite end time.  This one I'm still unfortunately not that good at.  My goal is to be done by 5:30 and done with the week by Friday.  Like I mentioned...this one's still hit or miss.
  • Leave.  I find it's easier to disconnect and have some down time when I'm physically away from it all.  For me that means at least an hour away.  And if I leave town, I do best when I leave my phone or computer behind.  Cut those strings
  • Sleep.  Sometimes the best thing you could do for yourself, your family or even your job is to take a nap.  So I do.  Every Sunday and occasionally other afternoons during the week.
  • Don't answer.  Most of you immediately think of the phone, but I include emails as well as the door.  If I'm trying to take some time off, I don't want anything to drag me back in.

Any other suggestions for actually making a clean break between work and home and time off?

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Say Hello To My Little Friend

I hadn't posted this yet, because I was just getting to know my new friend, but on Sunday, one of the games for The Price Is Right was Cliffhanger.  Claude thought it would be a tragedy to send the poor guy over the edge, not knowing for sure whether or not he new Jesus.  So he decided should the contestant be responsible for sending someone to their untimely death, it should be me (apparently because I've been assured of my salvation)

Luckily the contestant won, but the crazy person behind the game decided to launch me anyway.  That's ok though.  I've now rescued the poor hiker and have a new friend.  Say "Hello" to my little friend.  You can click the picture to make it larger.  Apparently Claude's good with Photoshop too.

Could Do Better (part 2)

How funny that my next topic is follow through and I couldn't even follow through on posting the second part the next day.  Yep, I could do better.

This is one that actually haunts me on a regular basis.  I think it's tied into my focus problem, because I will start something and prepare and have every intention of finishing or continuing what was started, but for one reason or another, I don't.  There's a list of things much too long, that I haven't followed up on.  The only good news is that my list is getting shorter as I get better at this.

For instance, when we first started, I made it clear I'd be meeting with and evaluating staff on a regular basis.  We had a couple formal evaluations, but the last one was back in May and even regular feedback meetings have fallen off.  I could do better.

There are a couple of things that we've "launched" at church that haven't reached their full potential because of poor follow though.  I can think of some parenting or schooling ideas we've started at home that had great potential, but I didn't follow through.  Even looking at the number of books around my house that I haven't finished reading...  Like I said, I could do better.

So here's what I've learned so far...
  • Learn to say "no" or "wait."  If you say yes too early and aren't ready to make sure stuff happens after the initial start, you'll frustrate yourself and others.
  • Write it down on your to-do list.  You may have a great memory but if it doesn't get written down, I've learned it often doesn't get done no matter how good your intentions.
  • Let other people hold you accountable.  I've heard it said that you can only expect what you inspect and that's held pretty true with staff and volunteers.  Now when I hear someone mention a project that hasn't gotten the attention it deserves, I thank them instead of making excuses.
  • Have a plan.  I used to think I'd just intuitively know what to do, but sometimes I don't.  It's helped tremendously to plan the steps involved in making things happen.  And of course, write them down.
  • Work hard.  Some people just naturally accomplish stuff.  Me, I need to work at it.  Sometimes it's a lot of work, but in the end it's worth it.  Only bad thing is I've still got TONS of work left to do just in this area

So what do you do to help you finish what you start?

Monday, March 03, 2008

Could Do Better (part 1)

I figured I’d do a short series of posts on some things that I recognize as needing improvement. After all, we’ve all got things we could improve on right?

So today, let’s talk about focus. I’ve always been somebody who was pretty easily distracted. So from day one of moving here to start this church, I’ve really had to work hard at focusing. And I admit, some days are better than others.

Since Sunday’s are the Super Bowl for us, I spend a good amount of time focusing on the message, but come Sunday morning, I can’t focus on one thing because I’m thinking about whether or not the camera works, how’s the sound, are there enough people greeting, did the signs get put up, does the band know when to come up, is the video loaded, do they know when to fire it, is everyone getting a name tag, are first timers getting their gift, is the service being recorded, and on and on and on.

So what’s the solution? Three things: delegation, trust and feedback.

I’ve gotten better at giving away the things I don’t need to be doing. I can’t greet people, run sound and the computer while shooting video. I don’t need to either. So I’ve delegated that. Good first step, but now I need to trust the people who do those jobs. It’s harder, because they will always do it different. Sometimes they’ll mess up, but sometimes they’ll knock it out of the park. And that leads to the last point, feedback. I think this can be the hardest part about focusing. Why? Because some people focus so much that they forget about everything else and that’s not healthy or helpful in my opinion. When some delegated task gets done well, tell the person who did it, and when someone messes up (because they will) sit down and talk about it. Use it as an opportunity to coach them. Let them know that how the job was done isn’t acceptable, but give them solutions and suggestions (or even resources) so that it gets done right next time. Then you’ll be able to focus on what you need to do?

Do you have any secrets that help you stay focused?

Somewhat Normal

My wife made it back into town Sat night after running through the Charlotte airport and begging the people to push the stairs back up to the plane and let her on. Her luggage showed up yesterday. Now she's battling the boys because I didn't double check their school work and more than a few things didn't get corrected and they've got "extra" work to do today. Yep, things are back to "normal" at our house. And I thought I did a pretty good job. Sorry dear.