Last night I attended a church association meeting mostly because I was asked to be a part of a leadership team in the area of "impacting lostness". Now, I've been to a few "church business" meetings and let's just say they're often a nightmare (rules of order, motions, all in favor say "eye" those opposed, likesign - huh?) Yeah.
It started at 7 and I got home close to 11 so to make a long story short, the people there were voting on some changes in how this group of associated churches would function (changes to the constitution and by-laws). Get this. A guy who was on the committee to change things, and voted unanimously with the rest of the entire committee to approve and submit the changes, gets up, rambles on for 15 minutes about questions people had (apparently he couldn't ask questions while he was working on the changes) and then totally contradicts himself and instead of approving of the changes, tells everyone there they should vote against them. What? That seems like the ultimate in hypocrisy - approve it so you can get up a week or so later and bash it. I don't see any good intentions in that kind of behavior - and he's a pastor.
For the next hour, more people got up to complain about the wording, grumble about the process (even though it was the agreed upon process) and gripe about change. There were others who got up to say basically what Rodney King once asked - "Can we all just get along?" After comments, accusations, and all that jazz, there was confusion and more bickering over the order of motions and what was going to be voted on. To put it gently, it was a disaster and it's just one of the many reason that people think the church is out of touch, ineffective, and frankly unconcerned with the fact that there are people who are in our own backyard and in danger of going to hell because they don't know Jesus. And yet we "enlightened church people" will sit and argue about the wording used and whether or not it's a good idea to have churches work together. You've got to be kidding me.
For me, the best part of the night was just sitting in front of Granny. I just met Granny and she's an 88 year old lady who obviously loves Jesus, loves His word (and knows it) and would rather love outsiders than debate with insiders. She told me she had to bite her tongue and if she would have gotten up to say something she might have started preaching because it seemed like some people there might need Jesus. You go Granny.
And that's why at Discovery, we're a staff lead church. You don't vote. Sure, if we're calling a new lead pastor or purchasing land or buildings we'll vote, but otherwise, we expect people to trust the leadership (staff). We welcome suggestions, discussion, and even debate, but ultimately it's not up to the majority (or 2/3 or whatever else) ... it's up to the staff as they feel lead and guided to follow God. But it's not about Discovery - we've got other issues I'm sure.
You see it's not so much about leading the church (because doggone it men shouldn't lead the church) it's about following Christ. He's the leader. Hopefully the pastor is the first follower in line, but he better not be the leader. That spot reserved for Jesus....and I wonder if anyone invited Him to that meeting last night?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Here's What's Up
So last night at our Lord's Supper, we had a little family time with the 140 or so who came out to celebrate what Jesus has done for us and is doing in our lives. I love hearing stories of how God is answering prayers, encouragement of what is going on in people's lives, and stories of how God is moving and leading people to follow God into unexpected places. Davey has one of those stories.
About a month ago, Davey started feeling like God might be telling him to resign from Discovery. He thought maybe he just needed some time off - after all, he and his fiance' Janelle were planning on getting married and were looking for a house here and we were working out the details for getting Davey on with Discovery full-time as the worship leader. He took a few days but during his "God time only" later that week he was sure it was God. A few other things confirmed it (including my message at church the Sunday he told me). So with no real plan for what's next, Davey resigned and figured he'd move back to Wilmington and live with his parents until he got married.
Less than a week later, Janelle, his fiance', got a call and an invite to become a resident coordinator for the University of South Florida (we're finally sending one back). It would provide a place for them to live, a salary, AND full payment for grad school for Janelle. The paperwork isn't all finished and it's not finalized yet, but it appears that Davey's willingness to follow God BEFORE he knew where, has freed him up to be able to follow God anywhere. That's why we'll miss Davey most - he hears from God and listens.
In the mean time, we were about to be without a worship leader (although not without a great worship team - Davey's done a great job of building that up). Another couple was having a conversation about what they'd do if the husband was offered a job where he could follow his calling and lead worship - would they be able to leave the church that they loved? They decided that they'd have to if that's what it took to follow God.
So when I sat down to talk to Randy Strickland about considering leaving his job and coming on with Discovery full-time, it was like an answer to prayer for them - and way sooner than they'd dreamed. Randy's been working with Davey and helping to lead worship for the past couple years. He's had a few jobs since moving here, but wasn't really content....and now he knows why. He was made for this.
Yes, we'll miss Davey and I can't tell you how much we appreciate all that he's done. At the same time, I'm excited to welcome Randy to the team - especially now that we don't have to compete for his time with funky schedules and his two other jobs. Both Discovery and Randy are taking a step of faith and trusting that God will be able to provide, but we're convinced it's really a God thing so that shouldn't be a problem. So welcome Randy (and Laci).
Along with Randy coming on board, we've done some realignment with the whole staff. Randy's main responsibilities will of course be the whole worship side, but he's also going to be helping to create different environments where people can connect with the church and other people (I like to call them "easy on-ramps"). Randy's a people person and very creative so it plays to his strengths. Claude will continue to work with the children and will shift from family pastor to focus on just students (K-12 at this point - which is still a LOT) but now that he's also full-time and not bi-vocational he'll also be responsible for creative development (themes, staging, graphic design, etc) and systems development (making sure our ministries and activities function efficiently). And I'll still be responsible for the overall vision and direction of the church, but I'm taking over the parent/adult side of the family ministry to focus on couples specifically in three areas - finances, communication and parenting.
That's the big change. And for those who were hoping that maybe we were going to be given the Boys and Girls Club, or that we were buying 100 acres or something else of ginormous proportion, let me remind you that following God is always something huge - anybody can choose to ignore him and "play it safe" but here we are, a church that's two years old, running almost 200 people every week and we've got 3 people on full-time staff. That's not normal. But it is what God's called us to do at this point, and things will never be the same.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Big Announcement
It's'll just have to wait a little longer.
Man I am having so much fun with this. If you can't be at church tonight, you'll have to wait until the morning.
Man I am having so much fun with this. If you can't be at church tonight, you'll have to wait until the morning.
Friday, April 25, 2008
I Want An iPhone Now
I officially want an iPhone now. Why? Not just because they're cool, sleek, fun to hold, the envy of many, but because I'm about sick of my HTC PPC6800. I have no problem with Alltel - in fact, I think they have the best coverage around here - nobody else can get good service in my house (Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint) Anyway, I'm on my third replacement now - it misses calls, locks up, cancels texting and other various annoyances. I liked it at first and really want to like it now, but the response is slow - like 6-10 seconds sometimes and it makes me frustrated and the phone undependable. We'll give this latest replacement a shot and if it doesn't work right, I may literally shoot it. Then I'll need to get an iPhone (unless of course someone decides to bless the whole staff with new iPhones - that would be ok too)
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Christians And Politics?
While some people loathe politics, I actually enjoy it to a degree. At a men's Bible study this morning we were going through Romans 13 and it talks about obeying the government and authorities which naturally lead us to be discussing politics and the upcoming election and whether or not Christians need to be actively involved or just have the freedom to be actively involved. it was a good discussion.
Now, if all authorities have been placed there by God like Paul talks about, then perhaps a fixation on the political arena is not a good thing since it's God's will regardless of our wants. However, if Christians are to be salt and light and in the world without conforming to it, then what better place to instigate change on a large scale then in government?
I've certainly got opinions, but what I'd like to hear is your ideas on how involved and important (if at all) Christian involvement is in the political process and in the world of government? Tell me what you think?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Outdoor Office
Figured I'd rub it in a little with those of you who have to slave behind a desk or in a cubicle. It's a nice day and I've got a great wireless signal out in my front yard so I moved my office outside to work on some message planning. Aside from the stupid wasps flying around, I'm loving my new outdoor office. Gotta love different environments to open up the brain waves.

You Can't Lose
I haven't reminded people in a while that there's some exciting news to share on Sunday night at our Communion Service - you do NOT want to miss it. Things have fallen into place nicely. With it, we're making some strategic changes in how we do things. It's exciting stuff, but it's still change and change can be scary.
I'm reading through the Pentateuch again (I just like saying that word - Pentateuch!) and this morning it I was finishing reading about all the plagues and Moses leading the people out of Egypt. When the Israelites leave and Pharaoh's army is chasing after them and it seems like they're trapped with nowhere to go, they are scared, worried and wondering what's going to happen now that everything has changed? It seemed like things were looking up (they're not going to be slaves anymore) and then all of a sudden the walls seem to start closing in.
What did Moses tell them? "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." (Exodus 14:14) That's a great statement - a great promise, but one I tend to actually resist. I mean, hold on, things aren't maybe looking so good and if I don't do something, it's not going to get any better right? Things have changed so I need to respond. But God says STOP and be STILL. Let me just tell you, that's hard to do. The good news about it though is that when you do it His way, you can't lose.
I'm convinced that what we're sharing on Sunday is His way - it's a God thing, and we can't lose. See you Sunday.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Perfect Fit
So if you've been part of Discovery for the past few weeks, you know that we've been talking about being "done with the 'UN'" and instead of being UNfulfilled, UNhappy, UNsatisfied or UNengaged, we're challenging people to find their SHAPE and do what God designed them to do and gave them unique and specific the Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experiences that make them the perfect fit.
I love that God made people different. In fact, I think that should be one of the things we celebrate in the church instead of criticize - diversity and uniqueness. We don't all need to look the same, think the same, dress the same or even believe the same (about peripheral things at least). And for the love of everything good and holy, we don't need to all read from the same bible translation....come on!
Anyhow, I took a few pictures over the last few days and noticed that my kids are definitely unique. And I like that so we encourage them to express themselves - even if we don't personally like it. I heard it said once that if your kids behavior isn't a form of rebellion, then back off. That's why my kids do these things WITH MY APPROVAL!
Here's Sarah, dressed as a Princess (Snow White?) and
holding her 'prince' (toad - that she actually kissed)
Yep, that's Tyler, 25 feet up in a tree.....READING A BOOK
And Tanner...he wanted a Mohawk....well....fine
Friday, April 18, 2008
Big Plans - Big Dreams
I'm sitting outside where the breeze is blowing and the temperature is slowly rising, a couple of my kids are playing and the birds are singing. I love spring time. My parents are in NC now too - coming over today a little later. I've got a wedding on Saturday, Walk 4 Life and a special populations prom that is using the Boys and Girls Club and a lot of our stuff all day and evening. I love that we get to be a part of the community.
Lately I've been thinking of a lot of things (you know, like when you're mind goes into overdrive and you can't even really grab on to one thought at a time?). Actually I've been dreaming. I've been dreaming about how to make a bigger impact. I'd love to see Discovery create a community culture - to really serve the community. Picture this....a gathering place where all types of people (young, old, married, single, families, etc) would want to congregate and connect (with friends, family or others in the community) and it might include:
Jogging trails and walking paths
Plenty of park benches along the way
How about a splash park for those hot summer days
Picnic pavilions
Meeting space for conferences, theater/drama/improv, groups of any kind - i.e birthday parties or get-togethers - and what if it was FREE?
Throw in some of the congregating essentials - food and a few other shopping options along with adequate parking and now you're talking.
Honestly, I'm praying for some 'divine appointments' with people who see the need for something like this and would be willing to help make it happen - donate land, network, whatever. Since it's getting into summer time, I'd love to do something to start making a Splash Park a reality. Greenville doesn't have many pools or lakes, but there's plenty of hot people in the summer (and stressed out moms)
Any other ideas for creating a community gathering place where the church can INVEST in the community before (or at least while) it's trying to INVITE people to church and Christ?
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Joseph or Cupbearer
Remember the story of Joseph and when he was in prison with the baker and the king's cupbearer? Well, I was reading that a few days ago and something with how it ends has been gnawing at me. Let me set the stage.
Joseph is in prison with these guys. They have dreams and ask him about it. He tells them their dreams. For the cupbearer, he tells him in three days he'll be restored and asks that when that happens, if the cupbearer would mention him to Pharoah and get him out of prison. Then it's the baker's turn and Joseph tells him that in three days, Pharoah is going to skewer him on a pole and let the birds eat him. Oh goody.
Both guys ended up having what Joseph said happen to them. So what's the problem? Verse 23.
"The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him."
Whoa! What the? This guy complains about not understanding a dream, tells Joseph - who explains it to him, it comes true and the dude just goes along his merry way like nothing ever happened. Then it smacked me. I do the same thing. I wonder what's going on and what God's got planned. Somehow, he reveals the future to me or at least reassures me that everything is going to be alright. Then things turn out (just like He said) and I go on my merry little way thinking nothing more about God until I need Him sometime later. It never occurred to me that God might actually need me to do my part - and not wait 2 more years like the cupbearer did before he "remembered" Joseph. Duh!
God has done so much in the past couple of years since we started this church - again and again. He's answered specific prayers - for finances, meeting locations, staff, encounters, all kinds of stuff. And time and again, I've seen it, rejoiced, and then gone on my merry little way without really remembering him - without really setting Him free from the "prison" He's in - unknown, unproclaimed, unshared with the rest of the city. It's not until some time later, when something jogs my memory, that I turn back to Him. Man, that's weak.
I just wonder....what would Discovery be like if I was more like Joseph instead of the cupbearer? Imagine that. What if we remembered Jesus sooner rather than later? What if we made His goal, our goal all the time? This church, this city, state, country....the world...would be set free from the prison it's in. Just don't let it be said of me...
Jason, however, did not remember God; he forgot him.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Back Home
Camping was fun....but of course it ended up being cold (low 40's) the first night, rainy and wet a good portion of one day and finally nice, sunny and warm the last day - but even that was cut short because one of my boys ended up with poison ivy all over. The funny thing about that was that he actually got it at home BEFORE we left and it just got worse and worse. I could share a few stories, but I think my favorite is hearing my four year old daughter say (as she was squatting in the bushes,) "That's my first time peeing in the woods." She's a super trooper! Now we're back, have some friends coming in from Florida, and it's in the 80's - all's well.
Excited about tomorrow when Frank will be speaking - from what he's shared with me, you'll really like it and be challenged by it.
Oh, and I've got a date for you - April 28th. On April 28th I'll share some really cool news about some changes happening at Discovery. Yeah, it's a couple weeks away still, but I had to say something, and no, I won't say anymore - you'll just have to wait!
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Camping Again
After a successful one day family camping trip, we're heading out today for a scheduled 3 day family camp (sans Hannah). We've been looking forward to it and even Sarah chose to go camping rather than spend a couple days with a friend. Only bummer is that it's supposed to have gotten warmer and been beautiful Tues-Fri, yet this morning the weatherman says it will cold, damp and windy today through tomorrow and nice (70's) hopefully by Thursday. Sometimes I wish I had a weatherman's job - where you could be wrong, but sound professional making bogus predictions, and still get paid and respected by your local viewing area. What a racket.
So, I'll be out, taking in God's wonderful world with my wonderful family and reflecting on what a wonderful past two years it's been at this wonderful place called Discovery....and of course dreaming of the unimaginable future....
Monday, April 07, 2008
2 Years - Yea God!
Yesterday we had the privilege of doing what a few too many new churches never get to do - celebrate a milestone of 2 years of ministry. That's right, by some measurements, 80% don't make it to this point. I've gotta say, I honestly don't think that's true. In fact, I'd bet 80% make it and only 20% don't. But still, there are some churches that don't even get to where we are and we're just getting started!
So what's happened over the last couple of years? Obviously, my family and I have moved, and we've seen others move here to be a part of what God is doing as well - Claude and Sheila, Randy and Laci, Ben...and more are on the way (at least that's what they tell me!) Thirty people have crossed over the line of faith and started a relationship with Christ. 34 have publicly acknowledged Him through baptism (make that 40 after yesterday). We've connected with thousands of people in our community, have a favorable reputation, allow saints and sinners to feel welcomed but not comfortable staying where they're at, we've served 1000's for free by giving away gift certificates, laundering, sunscreen, bug wipes, car washes ,yard work, food, candy, flowers (anything that says "we care"). We've provided some support for two church plants in town, supported the Carolina Pregnancy center, worked with numerous groups while at the Boys and Girls Club and given to missions and missionaries at least $35,000 these past few years. We've even been in three different locations and gone from about 10 of us to the 200 or so we had this past weekend.
Man, God is good. Can I get a stinkin' AMEN! Can't wait to see what he does in and with Discovery and His people here over the next two years. I'm pretty sure of this though....we aren't dreaming nearly big enough. I mean, Paul throws the smack down in Ephesians 3:20 saying basically that...go ahead and dream....we have no idea!
Friday, April 04, 2008
Odd But Healthy
It's been a somewhat odd week. Been processing some interesting news since Sunday, working on how it will effect Discovery and what I need to do. To say I've been preoccupied is probably an understatement. I can say I'm feeling better about things at this point in the week than I was earlier.
Came at a good time though....on Sunday, Dusty Martin is speaking again. I really like it when he speaks at Discover and I know a lot of other people do too. I think it's great that we have a church with our fair share of gifted and capable communicators. I've been thinking about that and I think that might be one of our strengths. From what I remember, we've had at least half a dozen different people speak and only 3 of them were ever part of staff. Dusty was, and I'm so glad that him stepping down from staff didn't sour his relationship with Discovery. I know it actually strengthened ours, and like I've said, we've been blessed to have him.
Then next week Frank Lodeserto will be speaking. Frank is a doctor at Pitt County Memorial Hospital and a PARTner here at Discovery. Come to find out, when he was in medical school in Grenada, he helped start a church there - and grew it to about 200 people (all while in med school)! I'm excited to hear him speak too! We've definitely been blessed.
I think that's a sign of health. Anytime you have people who can step up and do your job (and even do it better) you've created a healthy environment. I love that about Discovery.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Haven't been blogging nearly as much lately. I think I'm going through withdrawl. I think of a lot of stuff I'd like to comment on and blog about, but it's usually when I'm driving, on the phone or otherwise pre-occupied with something else and nowhere near a computer (maybe I need an iPhone!).
So rather than dump a bunch of random thoughts on you I figured I'd see if anyone had questions or things they wanted me to comment on. Of course, it'll all be my opinion so you might not want to know what I think about time travel, verruca vulgaris, "the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow," or "Rodents of Unusual Size". If not, don't ask. Otherwise, fair game.... this could be fun.
So rather than dump a bunch of random thoughts on you I figured I'd see if anyone had questions or things they wanted me to comment on. Of course, it'll all be my opinion so you might not want to know what I think about time travel, verruca vulgaris, "the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow," or "Rodents of Unusual Size". If not, don't ask. Otherwise, fair game.... this could be fun.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Oh Happy Day
There's a new song we've been singing at church called Oh Happy Day. It's not really new, but we just started singing it on Easter. I'm really liking it lately and I think it might be because we tied it to Easter. I don't know, but it's definitely worth a listen if you haven't heard it already.....I know I'm in a good mood now.
Edit: Apparently, you can see our band doing this too over at Brad's Blog. Thanks Brad.
Edit: Apparently, you can see our band doing this too over at Brad's Blog. Thanks Brad.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Staff Meeting
Every week, the staff gets together to go over the previous week and evaluate it, to finalize things for this week and to plan out for the weeks and months ahead. I'll be honest in saying that sometimes I don't run that great of a meeting - never really got to see a church staff meeting run well and so I'm figuring things out as we go.
Here's what I know though, today's going to be a very intense staff meeting. We've got a lot to talk about and some serious changes that we'll be hammering out details on. If you wouldn't mind praying specifically for the staff at Discovery Church today, we'd appreciate it. The winds of change are about to blow and that will affect everything!
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