Tuesday, March 31, 2009
God, Satan and Belief
Monday, March 30, 2009
Customer Service

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Communication and Misunderstanding
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"Spiritual Gifts" I Don't Want
Monday, March 16, 2009
- Two weeks ago, the heat/air in my house went out - still not fixed
- When my watch had the crystal broken, I sent it off to be repaired - got a notice telling me it would cost $222 to replace the crystal and clean dust off the face. Nice try Citizen.
- I've been driving around on the spare to my truck because basically I'm too cheap (and don't really NEED) to buy new tires yet.
- My Blackberry has started acting very slow - like something's wrong with it
- The synchronization software I use to sync the Blackberry with my Mac was giving me problems but came out with an update - that has now made the problems worse
- Think I may have noticed a leak in my roof now - hope that's not it but based on the rest of this list it's par for the course
- We have two remotes - one for the TV, one for the DVD/stereo. Both are now missing the battery covers
- Spent hours working to get the new homeschool laptop getting Rosetta Stone's Spanish to work on it (made me loath Vista) - all because one of the kids broke the other one
- Warranty Company that's supposed to be making sure my heating/air gets fixed (so far they suck at it) authorized it for us to buy a space heater that they'd reimburse us for - only problem is nobody is selling them now
- Vacuum cleaner broke and need a $50 part to fix it
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Evangelicalism Needs a Funeral?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
PARTnership Class
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Greenville's Largest Egg Hunt
One of our goals for the year is to personally “touch” over 10,000 people in Greenville. We do that by serving. Sometimes it’s Second Saturday Service, other times it’s big events or helping groups like the Girl Scouts or the Boys and Girls Club. This includes all that! Obviously we'll have a HUGE Easter Egg Hunt for all ages, and free hotdogs for lunch afterwards, along with a few surprises.
Saturday, April 11th - Easter Weekend 11AM
The Boys and Girls Club
621 West Firetower Rd
Winterville, NC
We’ll invite the community and somehow figure out a way to get hundreds (hopefully thousands?) here to hunt for 12,000 eggs filled with candy, toys and prizes!
OK, Discovery people and others, here’s where you come in. We need everyone’s help to pull this off. NEXT Saturday (March 14th) is Second Saturday Service and we’ll spend this one planning for the Egg Hunt. We’ll form teams, assign duties and start filling eggs with candy and/or small toys. Please purchase and bring individually wrapped candy (that will fit in a plastic egg) and small toys. And start asking friends and business owners to donate give-a-way items! This is going to be HUGE! Anyone willing to donate prizes (things kids would want like iPods, video game stations and games, sports equipment, etc) please contact info@discoverychurchonline.com for where to bring/ship it and what it is. And start spreading the news.
Because I'm Just In That Kind Of Mood
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Why We Do It This Way.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Prayer and Thankfulness

Monday, March 02, 2009
What I Think
- I think I'm both sad and excited at the same time to be done with 6 Things I Hate About Christians. Sad because of the amazing response people had but excited because I get to work on a new series in Colossians - Open Door Policy
- I think yesterday was an amazing church day. Personally connected with the worship, felt good about the message, and I always love when we have a Communion Meal at Discovery
- I do think the new budget submitted by the President is too much spending and not enough cutting of expenses. Oh, and taking more from people who have more - bad idea.
- I think somebody needs to find us some FREE office space. It's hard working from home, coffee shops, fast food joints and restaurants.
- I think Facebook is a great way to connect with people
- I think Twitter is great because I like knowing what's going on in people's lives (and I can use it to update my Facebook status, which apparently people enjoy reading) but it can be a major distraction if I'm not careful
- I think we as a church need to pray more and plan less
- I think it's absolutely one of the grossest things to catch my dog eating it's own crap and then remembering that I let her lick me.
- I think having 5 kids isn't enough (at least at this moment - ask me again when they do something stupid or break another laptop)
- I think seeing people who are already Christian being changed by Christ is just as much of a success as seeing people who aren't Christians getting "saved" and being changed into sons and daughters of God Himself
- I think I still don't understand the power, grace and love of God
- I think between my wife and I, I most definitely got the better deal.
- I think that as a church, Discovery should and will be able to directly touch 10,000 people in Greenville this year through community involvement, service and acts of kindness. We're already over 1,000 touches.
- I think email should only work 6 days a week. Period. It just shouldn't work on Sunday (or some other day, just pick one - I don't care)
- I think my BlackBerry phone is fine, but when it is supposed to work with Mac, it's not. And I'm now using MissingSync which has only made things NOTICEABLY worse since I upgraded to version 2.0. So either the Blackberry sucks or the MissingSync sucks.
- I think an iPhone would solve that problem - but I'm waiting until they come out with a new iPhone
- I think technology is a blessing and a curse - depends on the day and my mood
- I think this week is going to be interesting and this weekend is going to be great!
- I think there are too many whiners and not enough people doing something to change their own circumstances - just whining about what others should do or why they're in the situation they're in. Come on people, take responsibility and take care of your problems.
- I think I'm done - for now.