Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I've been holding off blogging for a couple of reasons - can't slow my mind down enough to grab just one thought, wanting people to easily be able to find where and how to ask/submit questions for our FAQ series that starts Sunday, didn't feel like it, and any host of other reasons.  I can't wait any longer.

Sunday was, of course, Mother's Day.  At church we provided a number of worship experiences and ways for people to honor their mothers or encourage other women and even to be prayed for, blessed or commit to raising their children in the ways of the Lord.  What's blown me away the most are the video dedications and messages people recorded for either their mother or their kids.  People were transparent, honest, and it's been very encouraging to watch.  Very inspiring.

There's just something powerful about the spoken word.  For those who just couldn't say something or didn't know exactly how to say it we provided a place for them to write a letter.  Whatever you do, don't hold back - speak words of life, share words of encouragement and forgiveness and blessing.  Tell not just your mom, but your kids, friends and family what you appreciate about them and how much they mean to you.  Make them a video, write them a letter, but somehow, tell them.  And tell them in a way they can hold on to and re-read, re-watch and re-live whenever they need a reminder that someone cares.  When you share words, you share life.

We also offered everyone there a chance to sit down with their family and have a portrait taken - and let me just say, I've got them for delivery on Sunday and they look really good.  Thanks Lindsay and Say Cheese of Greenville!

Monday, May 04, 2009

FAQ - What would you like to know?

If you've got a question that you'd like to submit for our upcoming series, you can ask it by going HERE. You can also text in your questions now and live during our series by either

1) sending a text message that starts with ASKDC and then your question to 99503 (you'll get a confirmation text back) or

2) using any web-enabled phone to go to and entering ASKDC and then your question there (you'll avoid text fees that way)

Again, if you have questions, go HERE and submit them now. They are moderated, but they are also anonymous.

Hurtin For Certain

Getting ready for the baptism we had yesterday (which was great by the way) I was moving a huge picnic table to make room to set up the baptismal. I don't know what or how, but I "tweaked" my back and let's just say I didn't sleep to comfortably on Sat night. So yesterday, I was feeling better and that baptism was no problem, but then, like a dummy, I helped take the stage down during tear down and "tweaked" it again. How utterly annoying and totally painful. It's my own fault, but now I am hurtin for certain. Hope I didn't do anything permanent and recovery is quick.