Monday, February 27, 2006

Man it's COLD

Look, I'm from Minnesota. I grew up there. I spent many a cold winter in the land of the frozen tundra where the world-renown cold spot of International Falls is located. And I've felt my share of cold weather. I've been outside when it's 30 degrees below zero and I know what a windchill really is. In fact, they've closed school in Minnesota before simply because of the windchill - wouldn't want a bunch of frozen kindergartners out at the bus stop.

But after 8 years in FL, I guess I've thawed because this morning when I woke up and it was only 25, I was freezing. Plus, I'm too cheap to really heat my house and so when I'm working, my nose and fingers are cold - and it's 65 degrees in here! What a sissy I am. But listen, I have to go and get some hot cocoa or something to warm me up so I can watch out the window as a couple of my kids play outside in the sub 50 weather wearing their short sleeve shirts....I gotta admit I'm a little envious.

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