Thursday, May 04, 2006

How Can We Serve You?

Dirty Laundry
I was just talking with a guy who's part of the church and he had a great idea that I'm excited to get implemented. He's recently married and had to use the laundromat for a while and recognized an opportunity. He figured it'd be a great place to really meet people's needs in a practical way by paying for their laundry. We figure we'll just load up a laundry card or bring tons of quarters and just show up. When people come in, we'll offer to 'do' their laundry and even help sort and fold if they want. There's plenty of time for conversation and the cost makes it something we can do on a regular basis. I like it.

Lora and I have made it part of our mission to meet and greet new people in our neighborhood with a fresh batch of brownies. New people move in or new babies are born and that gives us a reason to drop off some fresh food - who really says no to brownies? Anyhow, I'm thinking we're going to challenge those at the church to begin doing the same thing. We're getting a bunch of boxes of "just add egg and oil" brownie mix an asking people to make brownies and then find someone they can bless in their neighborhood (or a teacher since next week is Teacher Appreciation Week)

Got Gas?
One other one I'm excited to try is a gas buy down. With gas prices so high, any break is a welcome break. Once we find a station that will allow us to do this, we'll pay them a couple hundred dollars and ask them to lower the price of their gas $0.25 a gallon. Then we'll just pump it for people until we've reached our limit. People will like it and the gas station should like the extra walk-in business and exposure, not to mention giving our folks an easy way to bless people.

Your Ideas
I'd be interested in hearing ideas that others have - particularly tried and true ones. There are hundreds of them at Steve Sjogren's site so check it out or email me other suggestions.

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