I've got three lovely ladies that live in my house.
Hannah is just now 2 months old. She smells like sour milk all the time from all the baby yack she spews down herself and all over Mom and me
Lora is amazing...able to do school for three, entertain a fourth and totally care for and feed the fifth. All while making sure the house is picked up homecooked meals are on the table at least 2 times a day. It's no wonder she needs a nap once in a while.
Sarah is 2 1/2 and entering the "emotional" stage where she'll cry if we tell her no and sometimes for absolutely no reason. This is something we haven't encountered yet as the first three were boys. But when she looks at me I can just get lost in her little blue eyes.
I've got the greatest family in the world. My mom called the other day and I was watching everyone because Lora was out (alone). My mom asked who Lora had with her and I said that it was just me and I had "all five kids." It was then that it struck me. I have five kids!!! That's a lot. But it's really not much different or harder than when we had two....can't explain that though. Only thing that's a little harder is finding someone to babysit all of them. Usually we have to 'farm them out' a couple here and a couple there. Whatever it takes to get some time alone with my wife though.
this lovely lady REALLY LOVES YOU:)
I've got to tell you Jas that you have one of the most precious women in the world in your life. I can't tell you enough how much I love her sweet spirit and her friendship. I'm so lucky to have a sister like her. Thanks for sharing her with me and Adam.
Jas, you are a VERY blessed man to have such a wonderfully sweet spirited woman for your wife. I wish I could see her! You guys have BEAUTIFUL children. I love you!
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