Sunday, October 01, 2006

Don't Like This

I'm on my way out to set up for services. It's not even 7AM yet. I don't mind this's actually really nice outside (except for it's still pretty dark - whoa) What I'm not liking is what I'm talking about today.

Today we start a new series called Just Lust. It's about lust and all the stuff that goes with it. We're adapting it from a series that Fellowship Church did. Let's just say, I know it's going to be hard for people to attend and listen to, but it's stuff the church needs to talk about because the negative consequences love secrecy. I'm so not looking forward to this. Please be praying for me and the staff and the church as we try to tackle this difficult subject head on.


Anonymous said...

wish i could be there for it.


Anonymous said...

You did a great job up there yesterday.