Monday, November 13, 2006

7 For 1

We sure got a deal. Lora is speaking to a bunch of ministers wives in Greensboro and the organizers were good enough to put us up at a nice little hotel. The only catch is that "us" means seven bodies. That's a lot when I see it in writing and I've confirmed that it's a lot of people in one room when we tried to sleep last night. Lora and I shared one bed, Chandler and Tanner shared another (until Tanner lost control and got to spend the night alone in the bathtub - yeah, cruel - he slept well though) Tyler slept in a recliner, Sarah slept in the crib they put in our room and Hannah slept on the closet floor (with the doors mostly closed). Hannah made sure half of us were up around 5AM so let's just say it wasn't the greatest night's sleep, but it was fun...seriously. We're on our way to go pick up Lora and see how things went and then head home. We do have some interesting times.

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