Thursday, August 30, 2007
Too Much?
Nothing is ever really "easy" with five kids, and I'm not naive enough to think it's going to just "get better," but I really didn't want it to be like this. My boys (10, 9, and 6) decided that they wanted to try baseball this year. That's fine, and I have no problem with that. But I do have a couple of issues. First, three kids are now on three different teams in three different age-based leagues. Next, my oldest, having never really played before, is a little behind most of the other kids who 1. go to school with each other (we homeschool) and 2. have much more experience. Both of those are no big deal. I'm thinking though there's a tendency to take the "game" a little too seriously. For instance, I personally think it's kinda dumb to wear uniforms to practice (which means he looks out of place as well)
All that I could deal with though. What's frustrating me is stuff like tonight. I get home in time to help my wife load everyone up to get to one ball field where Tanner is practicing and where she's meeting a friend who's picking up Chandler to take him to another ball field for practice at the same time (just two different places). What happens? Tension. Pressure. Hurt feelings. Snippy talk. Anger. Miscommunication.
That should not and will not characterize my family and the relationships within it. So what to do? We're just in the first week. Haven't even had a game yet. I'm home because I've got people coming over for a meeting so I can't even help "divide and conquer." I'm about ready at this point to tell the boys, "sorry, the battle of scheduling and getting you all where you need to go when you need to be there is one that has too much collateral damage and it's not worth it. Sorry we made a mistake, but no baseball this year."
Would that solve the problem? For that matter, what is the real problem? Is it that participation is difficult? Is it that my attitude stinks? I don't know. All I know is right now, it seems like my family is suffering (specifically my wife and myself) because we're spread too thin.
Any suggestions?
What would you do?
What's most important?
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Good Books
Sorry, had to get that off my chest.
Finished up a good book I've been meaning to read - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Let me just say that I really like Patrick Lencioni and am looking forward to hearing him speak at Catalyst this year. Learned a lot from one of his other books Death By Meeting.
The thing I like about his style is that he teaches using story (he calls them fables). He creates a story and implements the changes that the book talks about within the story - so you get to "see" it in action. I like our team, but I'm convinced that there's a few things that we need to work on to get better and more successful. They're all reading it too and we'll be talking about it once Claude gets back from Florida.
I enjoy reading good books, but that doesn't mean that I don't still read and learn from the Good Book. I think the moment we stop learning from others (whether we agree with them or not) is the moment we're doomed to mediocrity and irrelevance. We live in an ever changing world and even though the message of the Good Book doesn't change, the situations we apply it to are constantly changing. I heard one guy talking to people who think church is better when it's more like the early church (implying that media, loud music and such doesn't belong in church). The guy told them that if they liked it like that, they should shut off the air conditioning and lights too.
So read the Good Book and then make sure you're reading other good books to challenge and stretch you to think differently about life and leadership and about the world we live in. You may just learn something.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Of course I still love her. She may get loud and cantankerous, but when I hold her and she nuzzles her head on my shoulder and looks at me, I forget about the yelling or screaming and the fit she just threw, and I love her more and more.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
God Rocks
Ten minutes before service, a pile (at least for us) of college students show up - maybe 20-30?! That was cool enough, but the people just kept coming. All kinds of people. People we'd just met at the Watermelon Festival, people who'd seen our signs, people who just moved here, people who'd been to Discovery before, left for a few months and were back, regulars, PARTners, just people and people. Over 50 little ones (6th grade and under) and just shy of 150 adults.
For us, this is huge, and it's a huge blessing and privilege and answer to specific prayer from that morning. For the first time in the history of Discovery Church, we broke 200! God rocks. And you know what the best part is...I think it's just the beginning of what's coming this fall.
What I really want to see now, are lives changed, people getting serious with Jesus and about Jesus and more people starting a relationship with him. And I'm expecting to see that start happening more and more. Keep praying and don't forget....God rocks.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Our Family Pastor's Secret Life
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Ooo, I'm Getting Excited
We have people who have come (and stayed) at Discovery simply because they've encountered us being a blessing on campus at ECU or at the Watermelon Festival (among other places). I just can't get over how great it is to be outside the church meeting people and needs. I think the biggest need most people around here have is the need to be noticed. Life goes by so fast and it can seem like nobody cares about you or what's going on in your life. We don't want to be like that. God cares, He notices, and we do our best to show that we care too.
- It starts by just showing up. It's hard to notice people if you aren't even out where they are. And it's pretty easy to find them, especially if they're NOT at your church.
- Then we step up. We find something to do that nobody else is doing. There's always a cost involved. Sometimes it's financial (giving away stuff) and sometimes it's just labor. But whatever it is, we don't just show up, we DO SOMETHING while we're there, to let people know we've noticed them.
- Lastly, we listen up. If you want to make somebody feel important or like you care, just stop what you're doing, look at them and listen. It's as simple as that. If you need to talk, ask more questions about them - don't just tell them about you. Listening is a lost art and communicates care better than words.
- Occasionally, you'll have a chance to speak up, but that's not the goal. The goal is just to notice people, make 'em feel cared for and important. When that happens, you'll get opportunities to speak up but don't make that the goal. Build relationships. Listen. Learn. Love. If they ask why, then and only then should you speak up.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Dirty Jobs?
He cleaned our ducts alright. In fact, he found a bunch of stuff that was left here by the previous owners. Apparently their kids thought the ducts were a good place to store and hide toys because just look at all the junk he pulled out of the duct work before he even got down to the dust!
So how clean are your ducts? Seriously, all that stuff was actually in my ducts. That means somebody needed to take the vents off of the floor, shove all this stuff down there, and put the vents back. What was wrong with the kids that lived here? Full-sized Barbie dolls don't fit through floor vents without some help. So I ask you again, how clean are your ducts?
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
One More Reason
I heard a lot of "I don't think we do that" and similar stuff, but my favorite was the "we voted on it and have a policy not to lend outside the church." Considering that I'm going to be speaking on Acts 4:32-34 this Sunday I just had to laugh at the absolute irony.
The policy (I'm told) was made because of a bad experience with another ministry. I can understand not lending to them, in fact, seek restitution if your stuff was damaged, but lumping everyone together and cutting them off, well, it's the same thing non-believers often do to Christians. They lump us together and call us narrow-minded bigots because of a few bad apples.
Oh well, I've ranted enough. It's just one more reason that Discovery needs to be different. We recognize that we're on the same team with other churches. We've loaned out equipment and people to help them accomplish their mission. We pray for them. We don't make policies to exclude them and for the most part we don't even "think" of not helping them. We just do what we can whenever we see a need. Shouldn't we all?
Couldn't Sleep
I really think God is calling me to a deeper walk with Him. A "move out of the way Jason," Spirit-directed, uber-dependent, "watch me work" kinda walk. I'm a bit excited. Maybe this is what that desert time has been leading up to.
Either way, I'm thankful that I'm really sensing God's interest in me again. And I'm thankful I can still get a few hours of sleep, after all it is 3AM. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Working Up A Sweat

Whoever came up with the tag line "never let them see you sweat" apparently hasn't had to work outside or ever experienced 100+ degree temperatures. Either that or they're just an idiot. Guess which one I'm voting for?
The Last 72 Hours
I took my boys up to New York City to see my brother and his family and to catch a Vikings pre-season game against the Jets (which of course we won). While we were waiting to take a bus tour around Manhattan, the boys got to meet one of the locals.
This dude, besides having a funny hat, had a cart with a bucket (for donations) and a little amplifier on it hooked up to microphone. He'd ask your name and toss out a few lines about you...told my kids to "listen to their momma".
The game was Friday night and so we got up and left on Saturday because I had to be back by 5:30 to teach our PARTnership class. What should have taken 8 hours took about 10 because of traffic backups. Still, with a little help from my lead foot, I pulled in to the meeting only 2 minutes late (or 2 hours and 2 minutes late - I guess it depends on how you look at it). I was so proud of the boys. They didn't complain or anything. In fact, we never got out of the car again from about 11AM to 5:30. They thought peeing in an empty Gatorade bottle was cool anyway. And no, that doesn't make me a bad makes me a resourceful one.
Got back, taught the class and after cleaning up and locking up, got home a little before 10. Showered and printed off some stuff for Sunday that wasn't done yet and then went to bed. Couldn't sleep though since I was finally going to be speaking again after a few weeks. So got up, prayed and went to where we have church. I didn't like how I did at all, but had a number of comments on it so I guess it wasn't that bad. After tearing down, the whole family went and had lunch with a family that's checking out Discovery and we had a great time. Great family. I hope they stick around. Came home, took a short nap, headed back up with the youth and then played basketball (poorly) until about 10. Got some rest, got up at 6 and spent some time with God, met my accountability guys at 7 and caught up on all my emails and got some stuff ready for this weekend.
I think my favorite part of the weekend though was having so many people at Discovery decide that they wanted to publicly express their support for the Minnesota Vikings. Thanks guys.
Actually, this is one of our Outlets and they had a guy who went to Spain this summer and was planning on running with the bulls in Pomplona - but he couldn't get a train ticket. So we decided to recreate the experience as best we could for him. Claude says that since he couldn't outrun a bunch of middle aged men, it's probably a good thing he didn't get to run with the bulls.
That's my last 72 hours....what'd you do?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Last Summer Hurrah
Back in a few days.
For all of you who made it out to the Lord's Supper last night, that was great. Packed house. If I counted right we had about 85 people there. Thanks for the food, sharing and being a part of my Discovery Church family. I love this place.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Fantasy Football
Alright, it's nearly football season again and that means time for some Fantasy Football. We did this last year at Discovery and had few issues that resulted in multiple drafts. Not this year. The commissioner for this year is none other than Derick Shipley (aka Killa Beez) and he's got everything set up through Yahoo. The only thing you'll need is a Yahoo ID and to register for the league. Don't be left out. Here's the info.
Once you have your Yahoo ID go HERE and sign in using the blue "join a league" button
Choose "join a custom league" (another blue button)
The League ID is 195188
The Password is football
Save, continue and create your team. Then be ready for the live draft on
you'll need internet access for it or you can rank your players ahead of time.
In one of the leagues last year, I was the SuperBowl Champion so you better bring your game.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Walking Through The Desert
Whatever it is, I have been feeling like I'm walking through the desert in my spiritual life. I've been getting up early, reading my Bible, praying and making generally good choices with how I spend my time, what I watch, read and where I go. So why have I felt like I haven't been able to hear God? I examined myself, noted some room for improvement and moved that way. Still nothing, but I'm pressing on through the desert.
Have you ever been there? You know, where you feel like you're doing everything you're supposed to and everything right, but you're just not "feeling it"? I'm convinced that those are times of preparation even though it seems like nothing is happening. So I don't know what God has in store for me, my family, Discovery Church and this city, but I have a feeling it's going to be something only God can do and it's going to be big!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Amazing Cinematic Work
I really wanted to "honor" Claude on his 40th birthday, especially since I was out of town this weekend. So here is an amazing piece of cinematic work. Special thanks to all the stunt doubles and to Brad for putting it together.
Now I REALLY Like Golf

Before this weekend, I liked to golf. Sure I only got to go every few months the past few years, but I got to play a lot in high school and got pretty good at it. I actually got to play in the state tournament my senior year after qualifying with a 72 and winning a playoff on the second hole. But since then I just tried to enjoy it when I could and even recorded a hole-in-one when I was playing with my brother and my dad during Christmas a few years back.
Fast forward to this weekend and I have to say "I love golf!" We played at some beautiful and difficult courses down near Pinehurst. And typical for a guy who hasn't played much, I had some good holes and some bad holes, my putting was atrocious, and the rest of my game was inconsistent but not horrible.
This was the first (because I'm sure there'll be more) golf outing for Discovery Church and kudos to Tony for putting it together. We took the opportunity to share the truth and hope of Jesus while we were there, and I gave everyone two copies of The Master's Grip - one to keep and one to give away and bless someone else.
Take aways from the weekend....
- golf is relaxing and physically draining at the same time
- God has created some beautiful places
- life can go on without me at Discovery
- Discovery has an awesome team of PARTners and volunteers
- 104 is a little too hot if you're golfing at noon
- golf has a lot in common with being a Christian
- the closer you get to the pin (or Jesus) the better you'll feel
- golf/church are better with people who enjoy being there too
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Bet You Wish You Were Here
Isn't that beautiful? I'm reminded of a favorite saying...
A bad day on the golf course.... still better than a good day at work.
Even though I like my job (and this is actually part of it) I figured I'd taunt those of you who are stuck at work. I googled Tobacco Road Golf and Country Club and got the above image. Also got a link that had it listed as one of the top 50 hardest courses in the country (actually was #10). That being said, by the time my weekend is over I may wish I would have stayed home. I guess we'll see....ooops, sorry, I'll see, you'll be at work.
Claude As A Simpson
Claude secretly wishes he could go on the men's golf retreat this weekend so he could wear some loud golf clothes - so I dressed him in his favorite colors but kept him in pants with plenty of pockets for all his geek toys.

So what do you think?
Just Pick Me Up
I walked into a room where Hannah was and all she did was throw her hands up in the air towards me, whine a little and come running to me.
When is the last time you acted that way with God? Just threw your hands up let out some noise and ran towards God? I know I've felt like Hannah sometimes - like I wanted to give up and whimper. So why don't I run to God like Hannah ran to me? All she wanted was for me to pick her up and hold her, and I couldn't wait to bend down and pick her up.
I really can't describe how it made me feel when she did that. I wanted to hold her, love her, give her everything she ever wanted, comfort her and just enjoy the fact she wanted ME. It made me feel good and important and wanted.
I'm thinking that's how God feels when we run to him. He can't wait for us to come to him - whether we're smiling and happy or whining and sad, or crabby and crying. He wants us to just run to him. That's when he knows that we actually want him. Thanks for reminding me about God Hannah.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
My Day To Celebrate
It finally happened when I was 21 - fourteen years ago. I earned the right to finally hold that prize I had desired for so many years and it was mine. Or so I thought.
Since then I've learned that I never earned it, it was given to me. I've also learned that I can never really posses it, but I'm being allowed to hold it and expected to treasure it. I've also discovered additional prizes that have multiplied five times since I first celebrated my supposed conquest.
My heart's desire is to spend my life with this treasure and the additional gifts that have been added over these past fourteen years. I have what my heart desires and more. Who wouldn't want to celebrate? Especially when you don't deserve it?
I love you.
I'm Found
In case you haven't seen the original alert and accompanying media blitz, you can see it HERE or read the whole press release HERE. It's good to be back.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Thank God For WeatherBug
Doing Is Easy?
While it wasn't a Disney vacation it was fun. Spent the nights (and naptimes) in a hotel and then spend the days out on "the plot." "The plot" is just that, a hunk of land near the water waiting for a house to grow on it. Actually, Lora's parents will be building soon, but for now it was a fifth wheel camper, a dock, a jetski, and some hotdogs for lunch. The jetski was definitely my favorite.
I realized that BEING with my family is way better than just DOING something with my family. It might seem like there's not much of a difference, but have you ever been doing something with people all around, but your mind was totally somewhere else and part of you wished you were somewhere else too? I know there have been times when I was doing something with my kids (playing a game, throwing a ball, etc) but I was just going through the motions because my mind was totally checked out. I was really somewhere else.
It makes sense though since one of my core beliefs is that it's more important to BE Christian than just DO Christianity. Anyone can show up at church, but it's harder to really engage and hear from God - or to be the church when you leave and love people. But like I said, doing is easy, being is hard.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Time Out
See you all in a few. Out.