It's Already Thursday?
I'm gonna have to start doing some time-released posts if I'm ever going to be consistent in posting at least once a day during the week. I'll get right on that.
Found out that on Monday, Forrest Polluck, pastor at Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, FL had died in a plane crash with his son Preston. I came from Brandon, FL, met Forrest briefly a couple of times, and was reminded once again of the fact that there really are no guarantees. Gotta make the most of the time God gives you. Pray for his family (wife and 5 other children) and the church.
I might have discovered what part of my problem has been this week. Lately my kids have been setting out live traps and catching animals. First time they wanted to kill the poor little squirrel but I talked them into letting it go (told them they could spray paint it first to mark it). Of course that meant they had to paint the cat they caught in another trap later too - and I had no problem painting the feline trespasser. Well this morning they caught a raccoon. I went out into the woods to look (and set it free) and that's when I realized it. Just like the not-so-friendly raccoon, I feel trapped and now everybody is looking at me.
I'm caught in a rut, feeling like I'm just going through the motions somedays. Are we slipping into maintenance mode or are we still putting forth the same intensity to reach out to people who are far from God? Since we're actually already bigger than the average sized church, is that enough? We were asking these questions at staff meeting and that's what it feels like, but that's not how it's supposed to be. Jesus, open the cage and let me out!
At least Lora just got back from triple coupon shopping and saved about $160 on stuff we would have bought anyhow. $200 of groceries for less than $40 - I'm telling you I could get used to this.
1 comment:
I think they are good concerns that we are addressing. I am glad we are answering these questions. I got an interesting blog comment I am going to forward to yall. Can't wait to get back from Gaitlinburg and get back at it.
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