Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Slow Down

Dang if it isn't already Tuesday.  Time is just cruisin by.  I'm feeling good about it though because more often than not lately I've been "making the most of every opportunity" whether it's with my kids or work or friends.  Still feeling like time is going by too fast though.

So fast that in the middle of typing this out, I fielded three phone calls - and got an "emergency type" email.  So now I have to run and head out to grab something to eat before I head over to the Sarah Palin Rally at ECU (thank for the tickets Jessica!)

We leave for Catalyst in less than 20 hours and there's going to be 1000 people more than last year (which had something like 12,000 pastors and leaders)  It's gonna be crazy and it's gonna be GREAT.


The Nassars said...

funny, I was just telling Fred that I felt this week was going way too slow... how weird that the time doesn't change at all, always 24 hours in a day. but we view it differently...
I think I have the 'it gets darker earlier' blues... :(

Jenn said...

How was Palin? We watched the Pres. debate last night and it was OK.

Does your wife have a blog too that I can follow?