- I think it's cool that I can connect to the internet through my phone so I can blog
- I missed having Thanksgiving with the Daraja Children's choir, but enjoyed having it with my family in FL (Laci posted some pics)
- 13 people in a 1200 sq ft house wasn't nearly as chaotic as I thought it would be. Actually slept pretty well and things went well too (mostly)
- Ordered a new HD tapeless digital camcorder (it just arrived! - can't wait to play with it)
- We brought the lizard with us. When she gets cold she doesn't move and looks dead. Glad she's not though
- Lora's dad took us out wild boar hunting. It was amazing - you actually head out into the brush to confront it head on (after the dogs have found it) Tyler had to [squeamish people stop reading here] take out his knife and stab one in the heart a couple of times to finish it off since it was still dangerously kicking around. Great father/son moment. (got some pics below)
- Gonna go see my mom and dad in a few hours and spend a few days there.
- I'm already done Christmas decorating (did you hear my music?)
- Guess who didn't get up early to go shopping on Black Friday? yep, that's right - ME! I honestly don't get that whole idea
- Potty training a kid can be a bit of a challenge - that's all I'm going to say about that.
- Hoping I get a round of golf in over the next few days
- I think we'll be in Brandon, FL on Tuesday - just don't know where. Trying to find a place so we can see as many people as possible while we're down here without having to drive all over the place (don't get much time with people that way either) We'll let you know as soon as we have a better plan
- I love using our GPS - I never use mapquest anymore
- Loved spending the night with Ali Terry (Gilman) on our way down here. She's got two cute little kids that my boys (particularly Champ) loved.
- Traveling with 5 kids is actually pretty fun for my family
- Excited for Christmas - love that people are open to hearing and talking about Jesus
- Jonathan Combs is speaking at Discovery this week. Stinks that I have to miss it but I'm sure he'll do great.
- I think people should be able to take a vacation at least every two months. This is great.

The first one that Tyler shot.
He got away when we first got to him,
but then ran into a watering hole and
Tyler finished him off. He was almost 200 pounds

Here's the one I got to shoot.
Couldn't tell until after we got him
that he was old and scrawny.
The guides didn't even bother loading him up
he was so boney. I got the reject Pig.

I let Tyler shoot the second hog too.
This thing was running all over the woods,
was mean and ornery and even after Tyler shot it,
he had to take out his knife and stab the thing TWICE

It wasn't even 10AM in the morning yet,
and we got our two hogs. Now we're curing it
and trying to figure out what to do with a couple hundred pounds of pork!