- While I don't agree with his policies (or what I expect his policies to be) I can say I am excited that our nation, which was so divided by color just a few decades ago, can move beyond that and elect a black President (with a name like Barak even)
- I'm glad the commercials are over
- I'm disappointed in a large segment of McCain backers who simply complained or threatened to leave the country (even in jest it sounds foolish)
- It looks like Obama has at least for now, given many foreigners a better view of America
- I'm so glad I don't live in California - where they are more concerned with hens that lay eggs in cramped metal cages [Proposition 2] then they are with allowing parents to be involved in making medical decisions concerning their kids [Proposition 4]
- Stuart Smalley (aka Al Franken) seems to have lost his bid to become a Senator from MN by less than 500 votes - I thought he was good enough, and smart enough....and doggone it, people like him! Just not quite enough people I guess
- Obama gave a great acceptance speech to a huge and excited crowd - it was fun to watch history being made
- The world didn't end (if you're a McCain supporter) and the Messiah hasn't come (if you're an Obama supporter). Jesus will determine the timing for both thank you.
- There were a lot of campaign signs around Greenville....way more than this, but a few roads, street corners and polling stations were cleaned up early.
[edit] The "victims" ran into the husband of the candidate shown on one of the big signs and they wanted it back. The sign for Marrian McLawhorn will be happily returned. They report that he was quite good natured about it.

When I read on Facebook that you were going to get campaign signs for a "art project" I KNEW this was coming. Poor victims. But hey you can only do it every four years so why not have a little fun!
I wondered when the pictures would finally surface. I think you guys have outdone yourself with this one! Holy cow that's alot of signs!
Ahhh... sweet memories. I think I'm glad you're in North Carolina.
You had a very bi-partisan showing. Kudos for putting some signs out that our small group had not seen before :-)
You all did a great job. It looks amazing and well worth the time it took to do it!
I've been waiting to see your views...
good points.
all of them.
I haven't been able to formulate a good post about my thoughts on this election....so at this point I'm "electing" not to ;)
however...I think you are right on.
I think disappointment is natural, and then you move on...
your comment about how the world hasn't ended and the Messiah hasn't come...loved that.
and I am also glad to not live in Cali....for many reasons, but the chickens vs. parental notification.... I can't even go there.
can't wrap my head around that kind of logic.
whose house is that?!?!?
THAT is hysterical.
At least those signs are good for something.
I was just telling Andy on Monday that he could do that prank on one of his friends... do you know if Eric Erickson pull that stunt down here?
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