Saturday, December 27, 2008

Had A Holly Jolly Christmas

Not a long post because I've got a wedding to go to in a little while but people have been asking for puppy pictures so here's a couple...

Lora got to see and hold Holly first
(before we brought her inside to surprise the kids)
because she's waited over 10 years for a Golden Retriever

We put her in a box (didn't even wrap it) and brought it in.
The kids were like "I thought we weren't doing presents this year"

I don't think they mind that we "broke" the no presents rule.

ADORABLE!  This is Holly Anna.  
Holly because we got her at Christmas and
Anna because it makes her name sound like the 
happy-go-lucky 'Pollyanna' (Lora's favorite movie)

And yes, even I am excited about a puppy.
(and even more excited it's NOT a cat!)

Holly's safe haven where she can escape from all the chaos.


ASEAN said...

retrievers....GREAT family pets...horrible chewers of EVERYTHING..when they're ive heard... but now you've rounded out and have THREE girls and THREE boys!! yay and the baby stuff starts over!!! ;)

Laci Strickland said...

She's sooooooo cute!!

The Nassars said...

Congratulations on the new addition!
And cats aren't bad!!!

Dean and Mary said...

What an awesome Christmas present. And way to go Lora on the name. love it!

Council Family said...

You mean you didn't name her after me!?!

Anna Council

Jason Ebeling said...

Just saw Marley and Me and let me just say - they'd never be able to make a successful movie like that about a cat - never gonna happen. Dogs are just great (and so is the movie so go see it!)

Sorry Anna (I think?) we didn't name our dog after James' wife.

Jenn said...

Awww, she is so cute! J and J can't wait to see her in person!


Kim said...

Awww....she is cute. Congrats on the new addition. May she sleep through the night soon!

e said...

oh dear...she is SO CUTE!
SOOOO cute!

Clippergirl56 said...

She is such a cutie. I know the kids will love her.

Gentzlers said...

Congrats on the new family member, but I must say that I am thrilled to see pics of you guys. It has been a long time since we have seen family pics on your blog. Way to go!