Monday, March 16, 2009


Frustrations aren't really anything new.  Everybody has something that frustrates them.  It might be their spouse or kids, their boss, some government issue, their church, school, car, hair or pet.  Honestly, it could be anything.  I've been frustrated lately with a few things, the least of which is repairs.
  • Two weeks ago, the heat/air in my house went out - still not fixed
  • When my watch had the crystal broken, I sent it off to be repaired - got a notice telling me it would cost $222 to replace the crystal and clean dust off the face.  Nice try Citizen.
  • I've been driving around on the spare to my truck because basically I'm too cheap (and don't really NEED) to buy new tires yet.
  • My Blackberry has started acting very slow - like something's wrong with it
  • The synchronization software I use to sync the Blackberry with my Mac was giving me problems but came out with an update - that has now made the problems worse
  • Think I may have noticed a leak in my roof now - hope that's not it but based on the rest of this list it's par for the course
  • We have two remotes - one for the TV, one for the DVD/stereo.  Both are now missing the battery covers
  • Spent hours working to get the new homeschool laptop getting Rosetta Stone's Spanish to work on it (made me loath Vista) - all because one of the kids broke the other one
  • Warranty Company that's supposed to be making sure my heating/air gets fixed (so far they suck at it) authorized it for us to buy a space heater that they'd reimburse us for - only problem is nobody is selling them now
  • Vacuum cleaner broke and need a $50 part to fix it

I could go on, but you get the idea.  So to say I'm a little frustrated is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

I've been asking myself "what am I supposed to be learning here?" and I keep coming back to 'contentment'. 
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through him who gives me strength
Philippians 4:11-13

So I guess, despite my frustrations - I'll be content - OK with how things are because they could certainly be worse.  So thanks God, I think I've learned the lesson.  Can we start a new one tomorrow please?


KingMaker said...

remotes come with battery covers? I think my kids are conspiring against me.

e said...

yes. don't get me started on the missing battery covers...what happens to them? ;)
hope things ease up over there...soonish.

Dean and Mary said...

Sounds to me like you're doing the right thing at Discovery and you're under attack, but you have the right attitude. Go ahead and be frustrated, but also know God in his infinite power is in ultimate control of the situations.

The Nassars said...

Sometimes, God's lessons are tough to take... hang in there!! You will be the better for it!

KingMaker said...

..or blow up your TV and AC and live in the woods behind your house...I got an extra sleeping bag, that goes down to 15 degrees...very toasty