Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Greenville's Largest Egg Hunt


We're doing something we've never done here at Discovery.  During a time when it seems like all the news wants to focus on is how bad the market is doing and how many jobs are being lost and how much worse it's going to get, we want to offer something positive to look forward to and take part in.  We want to be a blessing to our community and this is just one way to show we care.


One of our goals for the year is to personally “touch” over 10,000 people in Greenville.  We do that by serving.  Sometimes it’s Second Saturday Service, other times it’s big events or helping groups like the Girl Scouts or the Boys and Girls Club.  This includes all that!  Obviously we'll have a HUGE Easter Egg Hunt for all ages, and free hotdogs for lunch afterwards, along with a few surprises.


Saturday, April 11th - Easter Weekend  11AM



The Boys and Girls Club

621 West Firetower Rd

Winterville, NC


We’ll invite the community and somehow figure out a way to get hundreds (hopefully thousands?) here to hunt for 12,000 eggs filled with candy, toys and prizes!


OK, Discovery people and others, here’s where you come in.  We need everyone’s help to pull this off.  NEXT Saturday (March 14th) is Second Saturday Service and we’ll spend this one planning for the Egg Hunt.  We’ll form teams, assign duties and start filling eggs with candy and/or small toys.  Please purchase and bring individually wrapped candy (that will fit in a plastic egg) and small toys.  And start asking friends and business owners to donate give-a-way items!  This is going to be HUGE!  Anyone willing to donate prizes (things kids would want like iPods, video game stations and games, sports equipment, etc) please contact info@discoverychurchonline.com for where to bring/ship it and what it is.  And start spreading the news.


Dean Hewitt said...

What does the Gospel have to do with collored eggs? Why does the date for Easter change every year based upon the first full moon after the vernal equinox? Why do easter bunnies lay eggs? Are you engaged in worshipping the sun god Tammuz and are not aware of it?....hmmmm...What does this activity teach to unbelievers who already think Christianity is goofy? Why is the Catholic obserservance of Lent associated with the dating of the pagen celebration of easter?..have I asked enough questions yet?

ASEAN said...

to dean hewitt
why r u bein a such a dbag? sorry jas... idk who this guy is but he keeps bashing u on UR BLOG! dude he can post what HE wants on HIS blog and its HIS CHURCH! if u dont like it then u can read someone elses blog and u can attend (or not) someone elses church... but stop bashing this man for doin his job and his duty to reach out for Christ...its called reaching out to the community...u know the whole go forth and spread the word...be my disciple kinda thing...

...and dont even think about bashing me or pullin ur Bible tactics on me... i know what it says and im pretty sure Jason knows a lil more than u...

and jason sorry for doin this on ur blog but i was really tired of reading his negative comments towards ur positive actions. :) love ya!!

ASEAN said...

oh and what i originally wanted to say before i read that stupid guys comment was...

idk how ur gonna fill 12 g's of eggs...but good luck with that lol :)

Dean Hewitt said...

Now that was hoot worthy Asean. Really sad when folks come to the defence of Catholic traditions rather than defending Biblical Christianity. It is just as sad when people have no defence for their belief system and turn to limp wristed personal attacks by calling names. If you notice, my original comment never mentioned Jason, nor was any point aimed at him personally, but was solely pointed to doctrinal issues.

I guess "Bible tactics" is what is referred to in..2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: Have you noticed, for the most part, people hate doctrine, despise reproof, act like children about correction, and at the same time think they are growing in righteousness. It takes the first 3 to arrive at the fourth.

It isn't easy being a Bible believer, your friends list becomes alot more manageable and the world looks at you funny, but that's ok with me.
1 Corinthians 4:13 Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day.

If you are fitting into the course of this world, it might be a good time to evaluate what is going on.

Jason Ebeling said...

Thanks for asking Dean,
What does the Gospel have to do with collored eggs?
Nothing directly but we can use it as a tool the same way Jesus used wheat, mustard seeds, fish, coins, etc and Paul used statues to unknown Gods - as a bridge to the truth.

Why does the date for Easter change every year based upon the first full moon after the vernal equinox?
It's an attempt to "standardize" a moving date that was early on related to the Paschal Full Moon and applies to Western Christianity and is different from Eastern Orthodox Churches which use the Julian calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar. In fact, we should probably use a Jewish calendar to set the date, but we don't.

Why do easter bunnies lay eggs?
Seriously? I think we both know they don't. But if you figure out it's true and figure out why, let me know.

Are you engaged in worshipping the sun god Tammuz and are not aware of it?
Of course not. We worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

....hmmmm...What does this activity teach to unbelievers who already think Christianity is goofy?
Many people that I've spoken with are more likely to think Christianity is "goofy" when they encounter people like you Dean. I don't mean to offend, but you raise questions that unbelievers couldn't care less about and aren't even aware of. You don't seem to bother to relate to them as people, but rather as pagans who need to be changed. That may be true, but they're people first. If we can connect with them on their terms (like Paul did) and then speak the truth while they're willing to listen, is that a bad thing? Is that "goofy" or is that being wise as a serpent and harmless as doves?

Why is the Catholic obserservance of Lent associated with the dating of the pagen celebration of easter?
If you'd really like to know, you'd have to ask a Catholic I guess.

..have I asked enough questions yet?
I hope so.

Dean Hewitt said...

When Jesus used wheat, mustard seed, a coin, fish and the such, in no wise was Jesus using a pagan symbol of fertility as in colored easter eggs, He was using the basic neccesities in allegorical form. Colored eggs filled with goodies does not fit in the same category, nor does it convey in anyway the fact Christ died for our sins, you just can't go there.

In response to your statement about Paul using statues as a bridge to the truth, maybe a re-read of Acts 17 is in order, because it displays Paul's disgust at the Athenians altar to the "unknown god" and he rebukes their superstitiousness. Also, Paul didn't engage in their activity in order to connect with them, he immediately began to correct their ignorance. Paul wouldn't get engaged in coloring chicken eggs today because everybody is doing it, rather, he would be standing in objection.

Parenthetical remark...The Athenians were always spending their time either to tell or hear some new thing, this reminds me of the emergent church movement trying to do some new thing rather than the thing God has established for us to be engaged in doing and the manner in which we are to do it.

Since you did a websearch for the dating of the easter holy day, no way did you not notice the year AD 325 mentioned repeatedly and the council of Nicea brought up over and over. If that doesn't send up a red flag, the fact the date is always based upon the vernal equinox which is when the days and nights are equal and the daylight time is lengthening, this has always been associated with the sun god Tammuz regaining his strength, in short, Baal worship repackaged as Christianity by Constantine.

If you assume I would make mention of a topic such as this to an unbeliever, you assume wrong. At the same time, I could never engage in warmed over Baal worship, calling it Christianity. It is not a good idea to start in the wrong place hoping to end in the right place. I do however make these things known here in an attempt to open eyes of those that call themselves believers. The reaction is telling of one's state.
Wouldn't it be wise to know the origen of these traditions and quit traffiking in ignornace? We are suppose to be the ground and pillar of the truth, we should stay within those perimeters.

There is no recorded date of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, but it can be narrowed down to around March 10th. Wouldn't it be a better idea to set a date such as March 10 instead of following astrological signs which changes every year in accordance to Roman Catholicism's acceptance of paganism? If we believe the Bible, we shouldn't even be esteeming one day above another, but esteeming everyday alike as per Romans 14:5, but you would need to be fully persuaded in your own mind and not following the course of this world.

When you say Paul connected with them on their own terms, are you noting Acts 17 where Paul went into the synagogue of the Jews and disputed with them for 3 sabbath days in the scriptures? That is 3 weeks for you NIV users, and the word disputing doesn't reference a good time swapping jokes about a Rabbi and a Priest were driving down a road kind of thing. I guess Paul was connecting on their terms huh?

Oh, and rabbits and eggs are associated with the goddess of fertility...Tammuz's mommy, I forget her name, but you can find it in the Bible if you care.

As far as me not connecting to people, but rather seeing them as pagan,,,you assume much. Two types of people exist..saved and lost...I have friends in both categories and I can relate to either...but I don't engage in sinful activities in order to make a way to present the Gospel...neither did the Apostle Paul. anyway, take it or leave it, but I choose to let God be true and every man a liar...I want to be as close to God's stance on things as I possibly can and He quit winking at ignorance a long long time ago.

Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Dean and Mary said...

I worry about the way you confront people. We should approach people in Love. Discovery Church is reaching out to a community that has many non-believers. Those people aren't going to approach the church willingly. But when something is offered in love, and is free, they will come. It makes them question and when they question then and only then can God work in their lives. What Discovery church is doing is reaching out to their community to get the gospel out there. People will see what Discovery is doing and then possibly show up to a church service. Once at church they will meet people that are in love with Christ and are showing it and they will hear the gospel and possibly receive Christ as their Savior.
The way you write on Jason's blog is offensive and aggressive. It's not based on Love. It's based on proving you are more versed or that you might know more. People are offended by that. People were offended by that in biblical times also. Paul wrote so much about LOVE and that that has to be first and foremost in our hearts, actions and words. Many evangelical churches believe different things. It doesn't mean that they are all wrong. It doesn't mean that they are all right. God is the ultimate judge and He alone will judge us on everything we do in life.

You need to respect others for how they hear God speaking to them. God doesn't speak to us all about the same things. We pray and then we seek God's voice and His direction. And as we are led, then we go and do what we feel He is leading us to do. What is right for Jason, might not be what is right for you in your life. But, does that make it wrong?

And Jas, if I were there I'd help you out. I think it sounds like an amazing opportunity to reach out.

Dean Hewitt said...

To whom is my comments and response directed to here on this blog? They are to Jason. He should be equipped to handle these topics being he posted them for all to read and comment. Now think about this, I don't know your background or present situation, but let me assume you had a parent who was commited to raising you when you were growing up. Did said parent ever correct you when you were in error?..Did you ever get a spanking?..or grounded?..discipline in any form?...Did they do it in love?..or did they do it to prove they were capable of doing it?

Would it be a loving attitude to overlook error in the most important facet of our life here and eternal?...Or would it be loving to confront the error for the work's sake? If I seem aggressive to you, it is because I am, aggresively seeking to see souls saved and saint edifyed with the truth without addmixture of error...a little leaven does what?

Romans 12:9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

If packing plastic eggs with candy to get the parents to bring their children in order to get their attention and just maybe through this act they will decide to check out your church, then maybe hear the gospel and maybe recieve Christ as savior is....love with dissimualtion...it is deceptive.

Love would be your heart breaking over and over when you understand the truth that most everybody you pass by on the way to and from work, where you eat lunch, and sadly, where you are attending church will one day enter into a devil's hell because they never heard the Gospel with clarity in order for them to make a conscience decision to trust it...or not.
Love is giving yourself for that one objective and that one alone expecting nothing in return.

2 Corinthians 12:15 And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.

As to evangelical churches either being right or wrong. Well, there is a difference and it can be determined easily, either they are preaching Christ any old which a way...or they are preaching Christ according to the revelation of the mystery according to Paul's gospel. One is wrong, the other is right..and honestly...there is not one church in the world identified as evangelical that even knows what I just said, therefore, I do not hesitate or fear contradiction in saying...they are ALL wrong. 1st Corinthians chapter 3 deals with this vital issue comparing gold, silver, precious stones (operating according to Paul's gospel) to the (evangelical) wood , hay and stubble.

If someone ever tells me God speaks to them, this is a true sign of someone that doesn't believe the Bible is our sufficient instruction for all matters of faith and practice, but are desiring extrabiblical revelation...in other words,,,open mindedness. Have you ever wondered why when God speaks to you, you hear your own voice? Did that offend you?..or are you going to consider what I just said? Did I say it in love?..or I am just being a meanie?...Let me answer it for you...It was in love....it just wasn't what you wanted to hear. God has told us everything He is ever going to tell us in His preserved word...the KJ Bible...well...until we get to the judgement seat of Christ anyway..I encourage you to get engaged in 2 Tim 2:15 and discover the unsearchable riches of Christ given to us in this present dispensation of the Grace of God through the apostle Paul to usward!

Ephesians 3:8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;

surebeatsworkin' said...

In John 17, Jesus prayed for us before he went to the cross...

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

My prayer is that the world knows about Jesus because of our unity.

Anonymous said...

Dean, you're a mean loser with way too much time on your hands. Go away!