Things I Just Don't Understand
So this "look" has been around for a while and I've never understood it. I remember having kids in my youth group that had to hold their pants up so they wouldn't trip just to play some of the games. I just don't get it. First of all, I've tried wearing my pants this way - it's just not that comfortable. In fact it kinda feels like you've got some "leftovers" you forgot to wipe. And how do you keep them up without constantly reaching down and holding on or having to pull them up? Wouldn't it just be easier to leave them up? I mean, do you really think people want to see your rear end more clearly so you need to drop your drawers? I'm sure part of it is cultural and since I'm not part of that culture, I'll never get it, but still....somebody explain to me the thoughts and reasoning behind saggy pants.
Well, even after explaining the beginnings of the "saggy pants" movement, the partakers will still cave to the peer pressure associated with this fad which will not cease soon enough for me.
The wearing of pants in this manner began in prisons. I think you can do the math considering the activities inmates are often known to engage in. Why is it that peer pressure rarely works in the other direction? Why can't we as the body of Christ command that same type of peer to peer influence? That is what baffles me.
Grace and Peace!
Great point Dean. Enjoyed your viewpoint!
not that this isn't disturbing enough but it looks like there is a trend of "sagging" with TIGHT (boy band) pants) coming. It is from what looks like the alternative music genre. But I am not positive about that. I do know it is gross
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