Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ever tried to use a steamed up mirror in the bathroom or see out your car window when the defrost doesn't work well or just see 10 feet ahead of you in thick fog? You can see, but not clearly. Something is blurring your vision and keeping you from seeing clearly. When it comes to leading anything from a family to a church, clarity is something we should be willing to pay a high price for.

We allow so many things to cloud our vision - details, people, circumstances. But I'm becoming more and more convinced that we can work through the blurry clouds, mist and distractions IF we know where we're going. As a husband, I want my wife to know she's loved, be protected and provided for and be served and honored by me. As a father, I desire that my children will know and live a life where they follow Jesus Christ's lead. As a pastor, I want to see Discovery create environments where people can genuinely connect with Christ and serve others.

Knowing where you're going, what you're trying to accomplish and why - that by itself creates clarity, energy, motion and momentum. That way, when people, details or circumstances inevitably interfere and distract - I'm ready to focus on the important priorities with clarity and not get bogged down in the questions, critiques and criticisms. Of course, that doesn't mean you ignore them, but you'll never be able to satisfy everyone and there will always be opposition. Get used to it. Be proactive, not reactive. Know what you're trying to accomplish and why.

So I'm wondering - why do you do what you do (at work, at home, in life)? What are you trying to accomplish?

1 comment:

bible sweepstakes said...

Beautiful article. This somehow serves as an eye opener to me. To know what I want and have to do and simply do it. Thanks.