We'll be looking at what a tithe is and whether or not it's for today in more detail during the series, but let me start by repeating what Randy Alcorn (author of Money, Possessions and Eternity) said, which is basically, that being under grace does not mean living by lower standards than the law (even though we are no longer under the law). Tithing is a biblical starting point, it's entry level obedience, the minimum - it coexisted with voluntary giving in the OT and there is no reason to cancel/ignore or other wise dismiss it’s practice today.
Arguing against tithing would be like arguing against seatbelts - if the law that requires the use of seatbelts were repealed (or didn't exist like prior to the 1970's or currently in New Hamshire), it wouldn't mean that the use of seatbelts was now suddenly unwise or even unnecessary. In fact quite the opposite. Regardless of the existence of some particular law, seatbelts would still be wise and beneficial. The same holds true for the tithe, and most people who argue against the tithe as a biblical starting point for giving - are the same people who don't even give close to a tithe. But then it's not an argument, it's an excuse for selfishness, greed or control (and a poor one at that).
So let's get over the idea that the tithe is legalistic. Anything can become legalistic but that doesn't mean it's a bad idea. For some people, Bible reading, prayer, studying, church and fellowship times are all legalistic to them. Nobody is suggesting we stop practicing those disciplines.
As we "Consider the Cost" let's at least be in agreement that stewardship is part of discipleship and if you desire to be a disciple - we'll need to handle the money God puts us in charge of, with great care and wisdom.
So true. I'll be the first to say that we have struggled so with tithing since David has been doing his chaplain residency. Every other week it is like what you said...if we do tithe, we aren't able to meet our bills, or put gas in the car, etc.
Even when we haven't been able to give of our money, we do give of any time and talent/gifting that we may have to bless someone else. For me this is also part of giving back everything God gave.
Yet, I do realize that God is stretching our faith, and He even says in His word that we can put Him to the test on this thing of tithing. Wow! how we have seen the Lord double and triple when we do step out in faith and in obedience we give!!
This week is so hard because we know if we tithe, then we will just meet our rent with nothing left. This is a little scary...
Thank you for feeding us God's word straight and simple.
Awesome testimony Jen... Stewardship is definitely part of discipleship!
Here comes Dean Cottontail
Hoppin' down the rabbit trail,
Hippith hoppith,
KJV on its way
Silly Pastor, laws are for jews!
Not every ministry is properly grounded when they use believers money. But Jesus tells us to be shrewd with worldly wealth. Financially supporting a God initiated and empowering ministry like the one Past Ebeling provides at Discovery Church, is a joy - but most importantly Tithing is the way we lay treasures for ourselves, family, and friends in heaven.
Using the "TALENTS" God has given us, we have the blessings of helping those in need. We also have the blessing of furthering the spread of the Gospel through our shrewd use of money.
Us believers and followers are Temple's of God.
To Dean "Cottontail"
Even in the KJV, Jesus said he didn't come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. We are still to follow the laws God has given. They are for our benefit not to bind us to rigid regulations. The most important being to love the Lord God with all your heart, mind and strength, and secondly, to love your neighbor as yourself.
This is the laugh I have needed all day, so thanks! I haven't responded to this post, yet, It seems as if I had already. I wasn't going to respond at all until I saw this activity and just had to tell ya'll, it is hootworthy. So my response will be every verse the Apostle Paul gives to the church, the body of Christ in regards to our responsibility with the ordinance of tithing.
One gets really tired of hearing personal opinions in the place of God’s word! What in God’s name do seatbelts and tithes have in common? Absolutely nothing! When you try to draw a comparison, let it be like for like.
There is simply no verse of scripture that tells us “Tithing is a biblical starting point, it's entry level obedience.” That is so unbiblical! Why not allow people make up their minds on what they want to give, at least that is what scripture admonishes.
How would you know what people give? Do you live with them? Can you read their minds? How did you know that people who argue against the tithe do not even give close to it? Are you God? Even if they don’t, how is it your concern? Did God tell you he was unhappy with them?
You haven’t even provided any scriptural evidence in support of this alien doctrine and you expect us to accept it because you say so. By no means sir!
If you believe you should tithe, good for you but to say that God requires it from believers today is simply untrue.
Elite? anyhow...
What in the world do mustard seeds have to do with faith or sheep/goats, wheat/tares to do with eternity? Ummmm, apparently Jesus thought they could illustrate a point. The point I am illustrating is that just because Scripture doesn't specifically call for the tithe - does NOT mean that the tithe is a bad idea to be ignored and that it shouldn't be applied.
I'm assuming you're referencing 2 Corinthians 9:7
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
If that's the case - what is Paul referring to? Tithing or giving? I'd suggest Paul is talking about giving ABOVE AND BEYOND a tithe to their local church. He wasn't suggesting giving to the Jerusalem churches instead of theirs, but in addition to theirs - and that should not be done begrudgingly or even proportionally, but as each has decided.
See, the onus of responsibility to "prove" the tithe is no longer in effect lies with those who dismiss it. How easy would it have been for Christ, Paul, Peter, John or any other NT writer to do away with the tithe. Yet none did.
Giving is a biblical NT doctrine and since all we have is from God today as it was in the OT, I see no reason to think that the tithe is not the Biblical starting point (unless you'd like to argue that when many people drop a few bucks or a $20 in the offering plate, that it qualifies as showing "rich generosity")
Now this is where we have a problem. Why do pro-tithers automatically assume that if one takes an anti-tithe stance, one is against giving. by no means!
Like I said earlier, you have expressed your personal opinion, which is not necessarily a bad thing. But to twist scriptures to support your opinion is simply not cool. How did you arrive at the conclusion that Paul was talking about giving ABOVE and BEYOND the tithe in that verse of scripture? He never said that nor even remotely implied it. He said everyone should give according to how one has decided in one's heart, which throws it open for every believer to give what they like - 1%, 5% or 100%. That is the difference between law and grace.
And the onus of proving that the tithe is still valid lies with those who promote it. Christ, Paul, Peter, John or any other NT writer most certainly never promoted it.
For the new testament believer, there is liberty. And God most certainly deals with us differently and requires different things from each believer. And since we are all different, we respond to His promptings quite differently as well. To the rich young ruler, Jesus asked him to sell all he had, Zacchaeus decided to make restitution and give to the poor, and to some still he said to them "follow me!" If your heart tells you you must adhere to the 10% benchmark, that is between you and God. But you shouldn't go around telling people what they should give or should not give. That is not your job but the job of the holy spirit.
What people decide to give is between them and God and truly does not concern you. If they decide to drop a few bucks or 20 bucks, what is it to you? They are certainly not doing it in your honour. If God has a problem with it, then let Him deal with it.
You seem to take pride in the fact that you give over 10% and deride others that don't but when it comes down to it though giving is of no consequence, it is one's relationship with God that counts.
How about showing some scripture to support the continuation of the tithe ordinance (which is of the law) in the dispensation of the grace of God. Just a thought.
Oh please in Matthew 23:23 Jesus meant he fulfilled the law in our place. If you keep the tithe law then why aren't you also keeping the Sabbath which devout Jews still keep. It is from Frid night till Saturday night so just shut up you irrational sounding like morons robbers of the glory of the only payment God truly recognizing which was the payment of the blood sacrifice on the Cross.
You don't have enough money to pay for that anyhow. Keep all of the six hundred and 13 Jewish Old Covenant laws day and night or shut up the boasting over keeping only one.
Repeat this for deprogramming
Galatians 3:13 "Christ has redeemed us from the Curse of the law and became a curse for us on the tree"
About the 1,000 time your brain might start to unscramble!
Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.
The reason I posted these two passages is show that the dividing of Old Testament law into applicable and non applicable parts is not permitted by the law itself. it is everything or nothing, and that includes tithing. You are standing in the way of your members understanding the truth that believers are not under law, but under grace.
Here it is again, in case you missed it the first time:
Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
Are you putting your members and yourself under a curse because you're married to tithing?
Jason, is "Grandma Strickland" one of your members? Did you happen to notice she is totally ignorant of the idea that believers are not under law, but under grace, and that the two are mutually exclusive?
Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.
Tithing like seatbelt? What if your car has force field in your front which is actuated automatically? You wont need a seatbelt. And what if all cars has a perimeter alarm that will autmatically adjust your distance from any structires or cars? Will you need a seatbelt?
These are all paid for. All you need to invest in is new technologies and the education for it. New Covenant giving is for the investment-the vision-of the all encompassing reign of the Messiah. Tithing is so outdated. Grace motivates the heart to look outward
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