Thursday, April 13, 2006

Almost Easter

I'm so looking forward to Sunday. It's a celebration of the day that changed eternity. It changed my eternity. I can't imagine where I'd be and what I'd be doing if it wasn't for what Jesus did for me and all mankind a couple thousand years ago. Since I can't describe how I'm feeling this morning, I'll stop trying.

I'm looking outside and the flowers and trees are in bloom, there's color all over the place. You almost can't help but be happy. Yet there's people I've met since we started the church on April 2nd who really aren't happy. Things have happened to them (or not happened to them) and they feel abandoned, discouraged, or even hopeless. Well, it's almost Easter and Easter is all about hope. I hope they'll be in church, but more importantly I hope they'll begin a new life with Christ.

We're having a few couples over to our house for Easter dinner. I love that my wife is so hospitable and open to stuff like that. I'm sure there's more than a few who wouldn't even consider it if they were 7 months pregnant with four kids, scheduled to help run an Easter egg hunt and family festival most of the day on Saturday and needed to help set up and all that goes with being a portable church on Sunday. Not my wife though, she's all about serving. So often, she's a picture of Jesus for me...a servant leader.

When we launched on April 2nd, we had just over 160 people and over 140 last week. I'm hoping and praying that we'll easily top 200 on Sunday. At least one person has gotten saved each of the first two weeks and with it being Easter, I'm expecting a few more to step over the line of faith and start a relationship with Jesus. You keeppraying and we'll keep working

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