Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Day Off

I'm going to try really hard today to do this...take the whole day off. No work (blogging is not work). I'm not answering the phone (although I may return a message), I'm not planning, preparing, meeting, brainstorming or otherwise even thinking about anything but doing school with my kids and spending time with my wife and family. I've tried this before and frankly I'm not very good at it. In fact, when we went for Tanner's birthday last week, I was with my family most of the day and watched a movie with them that night, but Lora figured it out and I still managed to put in about 7 hours of time to doing work for Discovery Church. That's got to change...even when I'm home, my mind is somewhere else. Bad Dad. Bad husband. Bad Pastor.

So, school's almost done here and so am I.

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