It's no big deal if you've had kids before. In fact, Lora and I laughed because we were suprised at how forcefully a little one month old infant could expel excrement. We were getting ready to go for a walk and I had Hannah strapped in to a baby carrier. Suddenly, she just let it rip and blew out her diaper. In the process she sprayed Tanner who was sitting on the couch three feet away, got Lora who was a bit closer and loaded my toes and sandals with hot wet pooh. The best part was she didn't get any on her outfit or the baby carrier. Here's a pic (a little blurry) of my "pooh shoe" without my toes (and Lora with her toes in her "pooh shoe")

Let's just say I'd rather be dumped on by people with problems and stuff like that than by babies with hot warm pooh.
Isn't God so good? LOL Wow, I think I'll stick to dropping Adam off at college. She's beautiful and you guys are great parents. God has richly blessed you both with beautiful, healthy children.
i guess the saying could different...its better to be pooped off than pooped and thats some nasty lookin poo...looks more like vomit
sean glad you could share with us! Thanks for sharing the photos of your WHOLE family online at the gallery, Lora! You guys all look great! Much blessings to you all!
Love ~Kailyn
All I have to say is ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww on sharing the depths of your family life!
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