Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas List

Yesterday during the service, we handed out Discovery Church's Christmas Wish List. Since I'm running into problems getting it up on our website, I figured I'd just link to the thing right here, but I guess I can't do that either....server problems. (although if you have a blogger account, you should be able to see it here for now by logging in to your account)

I must say though that we have a lot of great shopping ideas on our list....chairs (250), a portable baptismal, staging, lights, speakers and various sound equipment, monthly plans to work with an outreach/new move-in company, digital picture frames, recognition and thank you items, office/meeting space and tons of other stuff. We've already been blessed with "stuff" and I told the people on Sunday that we didn't need any of it, we just think that we could improve our effectiveness with a few more "tools." We'll see, it's a tall order....all told nearly $100,000, but God's in the business of giving us more than we could ever dare to ask or even imagine, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ask and u shall receive