Thursday, December 07, 2006

Too Much

Some may say by simply typing here, I'm wasting my time. I'd simply say I'm forcing myself to clarify my thoughts. Here's what I'm thinking. I'm good with people, but I'm not that good with organizing. My relationships are strong, but my desk is a mess and so is my day sometimes...easily turned upside down by an "urgent" need that wasn't planned (like maybe, a broken refrigerator?). I'm busy and have plenty to do, but somehow feel like I don't get anything done or at least I'm not in control of what does get completed. I'm easily sidetracked and lately, I've often been frustrated because of that. What to do....

Lora and I were talking last night after my "day off" turned into a chain of "I'll just do will only take a minute" activities. I got some stuff done, but at what cost? Anyhow, it came up that maybe I should just schedule my certain hours on certain days for message prep, leadership development, staff and meetings, vision work, research, etc. Would I like that? Sure. And I'm going to give it a shot. My hang-up is that I don't know how well that will work in a "people" business.

I don't offer refrigerators, lawn care or plumbing repair. The "goods" I work with are deeper. Lives may be improved by a new appliance or good looking lawn or they could be inconvenienced when plumbing leaks or the car breaks down, but lives aren't changed by that - they aren't transformed. I work to offer hope. A hope that's found in Christ and that transforms homes, lives, relationships and even entire communities and nations. But you can't buy can only invest relational capital. And that's why I wonder if a schedule will help as much as I'd like it to. I guess I'll just have to plan relational time into the schedule and if there's no one there to invest in at the time, just move on to what's next on the schedule so that I'm free if the opportunity arises (or attacks) later.

The older I get the more I learn what I don't know. I used to think it was so easy or at least easier. Having a good marriage? Easy - just communicate and continue to 'date' your spouse. Raising kids? Easy - just be consistent and introduce them to Jesus. Start a new church? Easy - just follow what the Bible says and love God and love others. All those easy answers just lead to more questions...How? When? Will this work? Is this what I'm supposed to do? So off I go to try and answer another one of those new questions I'm can I make the most of my time?

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