Since I've been here, I've had a bit of an epiphany. The reason that camp environments make it so easy to live the Christian life and are so comfortable and safe is because of one thing. It's the one thing that so many people, including myself, often lack when they leave camp. It's the reason why you can have a spiritual high and then get sucked back into "the same ol' things" when you leave that environment. And it doesn't have to be that way. So what is the one thing that makes it so much better?
One word: DISCIPLINE. At camp, on a mission trip, at a retreat, wherever - there is a schedule, a plan, and clear expectations. There's discipline. Up at 6, breakfast at 7, speaker at 8, all through the day and then lights out at 11. I think what makes it harder, at least for me, is that I don't have that much discipline in my life when I'm not at a place like this. Hmmmm. Maybe that's why sometimes it's harder to enjoy life, make good choices, avoid temptation, love God and grow. Just a thought.