Friday, June 01, 2007


Just purchased our tickets to go to Catalyst this year. Love going with the ICC crew - they allow us to get a better deal (Uber-Sweet) and that ends up getting us floor seating. We had so much fun last year and learned so much that there's just no way we couldn't go this year. If you're a church leader of any kind and particularly a church planter...this is a must attend. Basically the only "can't miss" on the calendar.

I think the biggest thing we all got out of it last year was that the little things matter. When it comes to people who are questioning or far from Christ, the devil isn't in the details, the love is. We can say we love people, but the small detail of remembering a guest's name proves it. We can say guests are welcome, but good signage and personal guest guides proves it. We can try to explain that God loves all people, but cleaning trash, raking leaves or handing out a cold drink on a hot day demonstrates it. It's the little things that make the biggest impact.

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