Friday, November 16, 2007

It's Worth It

One of the things I love about church planting is watching people who used to be far from God, grow. It's an amazing thing to see. People who used to be self-centered are now all about things like Second Saturday Service or filling up shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. People who didn't own a Bible now reading it regularly and asking questions because they want to understand deeper truths. People who wouldn't be seen in church now inviting some of their very same friends who "wouldn't be seen in church." It's great.

One other thing that's cool is watching people pitch in and help without being asked. At the Lord's Supper Wednesday we had people come early to set up, even more to help break everything down and one who snapped off a few pictures and already gave them to me. It might seem like a little thing, but I don't take it for granted. I'm so thankful that I don't have to beg people to help.

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