Tuesday, November 13, 2007

One Reason We Homeschool

I've been asked many times why we choose to homeschool our 5 kids. The long and short of it is we just like our kids and want to spend as much time with them before they're gone as possible. Sure there are other reasons, but for us that's honestly the main one right now. We just don't want to miss out on stuff and want to be there when they need correction (not somebody else who may not see things the same way)

Case in point. Found this on an actual homework assignment (although Lora already filed away the assignment so I had to have Tanner recreate it). Since Lora is still orientating to the hospital, she's been working at least 2 days a week and I'm not prepared or good enough to get my stuff done and teach 4 out of five kids. That's why we have a couple different people help out on the days Lora works. There's a sweet 20 year old neighbor girl who was homeschooled her whole life who helps out...that's the "alien" my little buddy is referring to on his homework.

If I sent my kids to school, I'd miss out on opportunities like this where I get to laugh and correct but ultimately connect with what is going on in my kid's brain. It's just one more reason we choose to homeschool. (btw - he was just amusing himself and forgot he put it where everyone could see it. He wasn't trying to be mean since he actually likes her)


Dean and Mary said...

He so reminds me of Adam. I just laugh at all the stuff you tell us because it's Adam all over again. Tell Tanner we love and miss him. What a hoot. We miss all of you tons.

Jason Ebeling said...

He'll be glad to hear it. And just a couple days ago, Chandler was praying for Adam and his ribs...has he healed yet so we can let Chandler know?