Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year at the Ebeling's

Hi there everybody. You're usually used to seeing Jason's random musings from this page, but today I, Randy, step in to fill in. Most of you who know me know I'm a pretty "play by the rules" kind of guy and never one to really "stir the pot" (yeah right), but I saw that Jason left his blog site up and I couldn't resist the opportunity!! (Don't worry Jason, I'll behave . . . mostly)

Tonight is New Year's Eve and a lot of us are gathered at the Ebeling's house. It's been a really awesome night so far. The Coyle's came through big time tonight and brought over their karaoke machine. Between people singing Billy Ray Cyrus and Lynard Skynyrd (spelling?), it's pretty fun being a spectator! (see awesome video, be sure to turn on your sound) We'v been playing a lot of games tonight too. Scattegories, Catch Phrase, Apples to Apples. Good times had by all!

It's been really cool getting to know everybody at Discovery. For those of you that know Laci and myself, I hope this doesn't seem worn out or over mushy, but I can't say enough about the Discovery family. We've met so many people that have taken us in like we were their own and loved us, without even really knowing who we were. I'm just amazed at God's love that He's shown us through the people here. Yesterday's message was extra special for us because it reminded us of what God has been able to do here through these same awesome people, just because they were willing to be used. And as the New Year approaches (only 8 minutes away at this point) I just pray that we don't ever get bored or content with what "we" have done. I hope that we'll always want to see more. I hope that we continue to love on people the way God wants us to. I pray that we can continue to be used and that we're willing to accept and be obedient to what God wants us to do.

2008 is going to be an amazing year, I can feel it!! (and I don't think it's just the cheese sauce I had earlier) Hope I haven't rambled too much. I love you guys and thank you so much for loving on us. Have a great 08!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007

Last Minute

Hmmmm, it's Christmas Eve day....time for me to go shopping (or should I say, "hunting"?)

Good thing I know what I'm looking for. I'm a man on a mission.

Wish me luck, I'm goin in.

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Shepherd and Uncle Jesse

Last night we "watched" It's a Wonderful Life for the first time this year. Lora and I will have to watch it again because we tried to do it with all five kids and some just aren't as engrossed and impressed with a black and white 1946 film as I am. But I got to thinking....Christmas can be a real stressful time and it's all too easy to forget about the good stuff. I needed that reminder and almost heard Clarence say to me, "Jason, you've really had a wonderful life" Can't wait to watch it again, just me and the Mrs.

And for some reason, unknown to me, I started thinking about the Dukes of Hazzard. Seriously. I used to watch them all the time. Used to pretend my bike was the General Lee. Anyhow, I was thinking about their CB handles. For those of you who don't know what a CB is it's like a cell phone with a cord to your car so it only works when you're in it and anybody else can listen in. But have you ever picked up your phone just to call someone for help? Ever emailed or IM'd or texted someone hoping they'd answer right away? I do it, and that's what the Duke family did a lot.

What's this got to do with Christmas? Well, with all the crush of Christmas going on for me, I feel like one of the Duke boys calling out on the CB to Uncle Jesse....."Lost Sheep to Shepherd, Lost Sheep to Shepherd, come in Shepherd" and I'm just hoping, praying that Uncle Jesse will hear me and come and help sort out the mess I'm in. Of course, in the show, they always got out of the mess they were in. Don't call me blasphemous or anything, but isn't that just like us, we get in a mess or lost and only need to call out for Jesus to come and help us (not that Uncle Jesse is Jesus or anything)?

So this "good ol' boy, never meanin' no harm" is doing what comes natural for all of us, I'm calling for help and for somebody to come and save me from this mess I'm in. Thank God Jesus answers when I call. He'll answer you too. Just find a quiet spot and call out,
"Lost Sheep to Shepherd, Lost Sheep to Shepherd, come in Shepherd" (you know you want to)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh Me Oh My

It's getting closer to Christmas and I can't hardly sleep at night - but it's not because I'm so excited about certain gifts I might be getting or seeing someone's reaction to what I'm giving them.  No, it's because I've got a list a mile long that I'm not through yet, some technical difficulties that aren't solved yet, and house guests that aren't sure when they're coming, how long they're staying or when they're leaving yet.  All this makes planning and preparing a little more difficult.  I'm really wanting to just take a little break, hang with the family and celebrate the season.  Should happen soon, just not today.

Did I mention I still haven't written our Christmas letter yet?  Argghh (but not "bah humbug" - I still love this season)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Time's Running Out

Just one week until Christmas.  

"That's all I got to say about that!"

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Could Be In Trouble

All I can say is "Uh Oh, I could be in trouble." Why? Because I love wrestling and after taking Tyler to his first wrestling tournament, I think he might like it too. There were only a couple kids in his weight class and he beat them both...didn't just beat them, pinned them the first period. The boy's a stud! Good job Tyler. We'll see if and how his brothers do next time.
Tyler's first match (looks like he knows what he's doing even)

Tyler's second match (ever) Great position!

Like Father Like Son

Tyler, my oldest, is following in my least today. He's entering his first wrestling tournament. I grew up wrestling in Minnesota and coached for a couple years when we lived in DC. I love it. All three of my boys are trying it out right now, but Tyler might be ready for some live competition. We'll see today. Gotta get to weigh-ins.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Put It In Writing

Had one of those days today where conversations seemed to revolve around the same topic somehow. I met with people starting at 8 until after 3 and more than a couple times I was forced to think about how much time I spend "doing my job" and away from my family.

I wouldn't say I'm the busiest guy in the world - I don't know how some of these other guys do it when they're speaking here or there, pastoring a large growing church, organizing conferences or hanging with other "players in planting" - but I do spend a good amount of time trying to move Discovery and it's people closer to God and to reaching our county and thank God for guys who can do that and more.

That said, I was challenged today as to what my job is. Is it planning, vision casting, preaching, counseling? Or is it knowing the heart of God and leading others there? Am I spending enough time seeking God and hearing from him or am I content just to figure out what topics we're talking about and how to connect first time guests? It's all important but hearing from God is most important - that's my job as the leader of this church! I need to be more intentional about making time to get away and just wait and listen for God - like Moses. So I'm putting it in writing...I will schedule more time in 2008 to separate myself and just listen for God.

And when it comes to my family - I think all my wife wants for Christmas is some regular scheduled dates with me and planned camping/vacation times with the family. So again, I put it in writing...I will schedule more time in 2008 to date my wife and relax with my family. That means some people may not get as much of my time (this means everyone not married to me, conceived by me, or responsible for my eternal salvation). And I'm not doing this alone. I'm making sure the whole staff (Claude? Davey?) plans and schedules more time with God and with family in 2008

There. It's in writing. I guess I gotta do it now huh?

Monday, December 10, 2007

One of the things that I totally love about church-planting in general and Discovery is no exception, is the commitment of the people who "get it."  Those people who understand why we are a church that tries to be involved in the community, in building relational bridges with people who aren't in church and are sometimes far from God, and aren't content to stay in our "holy huddle." 

Of course not everybody gets it, and even those who do don't always get it right away, but just like growth, understanding doesn't happen all at once.  It's a process and as best I can tell, here are some of things we do to help people "get it."

Give people a chance - too often people are prejudged
Give people an opportunity - we'll never know if they get it and neither will they if we don't give them opportunities to demonstrate it (like serving or even leading something)
Give people time - it takes some people longer than others, so we don't write people off if they don't buy into our vision right off the bat
Celebrate successes - we make a big deal over the "little" things and recognize people for their contributions that help us impact people (no matter how "small" they might seem)
Encourage - we encourage every attempt, every step in the right direction

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Great Sunday

I don't know what the numbers were, but we were full....great to see so many college students today - especially during finals week. But that's not why today was a great Sunday. Sometimes, a pastor feels like he's "in the zone" or just "on." Today was one of those days for me. Actually I think it was one of those days for us.

The atmosphere was great, music was rocking, songs totally amplified the message, videos worked great, Christmas lights all stayed was great. I'm just hoping that the people who were at Discovery today will actually either connect for the first time to the source of light (Jesus) or "reflect and radiate" the love of Christ. We'll see as we sort through the cards. I don't usually do this, but I'd encourage you to download the podcast and listen to it....I'd love to hear what you think.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Feels Like December

It absolutely is feeling like December.  It was in the 20's this morning.  I'm in the house now and you can see that I'm not quite used to the the house!  Glad it's supposed to be back to 70 next week (in December!).

Where Have All The Parents Gone?

I'm seeing a disturbing trend in the news (at least what's being reported) and it seems that parents are losing their minds, their kids and their lives because they lost one or both.  Before you read any further, don't think I'm saying that as long as your a good parent, you won't have problems...I'm not that naive.  I am saying that I think people are too disconnected or superficial in their relationships whether with friends or family and if we don't learn how to love and care for others, things will only continue and probably get worse.

Just look at some of the headlines from the past few months or so...
and in case you think I'm saying that home-schooling Christian pastor families are immune from problems, this one's for you

Is there a trend?  Seems like it.  Kids aren't learning how to cope with life or not getting their way.  Many parents never learned it so they can't cope either and end up losing it themselves.  It all seems to come down to hopelessness.  Maybe if believers in Christ lived like they actually had hope (and joy, contentment and love) we'd be able to see that others need it and we'd offer it to them.  I find great hope in knowing that there's a God who wants me, loves me, wants me to be with him, and made that possible.  I find hope in Jesus.  I see people who need hope, who need someone to care, to notice, just to smile.  Who have you noticed that could use that hope?

So You Wanna Be A Teacher?

I'm probably stating the obvious when I say that things are getting worse in education.  Maybe it's because teachers can't just teach anymore.  Just today a report came out that our county (Pitt, NC) has the third highest crime rate in schools of all counties in North Carolina, and three of the top five are practically neighbors here in Eastern NC.   You can see the full report by individual county HERE

Just here in Pitt county there were 10 assaults that resulted in serious injury and 62 assaults on school personnel.  Both those numbers are more then in the Charlotte area (Mecklenburg county) which has more than 5 times the number of students!  I'd say we've got a problem.

But I'd also say that's our calling.  It's an opportunity.  It's causing me to think about how Discovery Church can be a part of the solution instead of just another whiner complaining about how bad things are.  I don't know what the solution is, don't know what part we'll play, but I sure think we can do something.  I think we need to do something.

Any ideas out there from our Discoverers (or anyone else)?

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Season For Fighting?

Get to speak out at Barton College over in Wilson tonight at their Campus Crusade meeting. Jonathan and Nicole Combs head that up and helped us start Discovery. Jonathan played and sang and made us laugh and Nicole did a great job helping us setup and run the nursery...all "back in the day". They moved to Wilson which is about 40 minutes from here and help out at Jonathan's dad's church - Wilson Community Church. But enough about them...

Let me just ask for prayer. Even though it might seem like this time of year should be the best (and it often is) it's also very much a battle. I see it at church, at home and in my personal life. There's a lot of talk about Jesus during this season. People are open to discussing him and considering faith and all that, and it's a good thing. But someone doesn't like it and that's Satan, and there seem to be some serious spiritual struggles going on because of it.

Every night during Advent (weeks before Christmas) our family reads a story. We're only 4 days in and every night we've been interrupted by kids, phones, attitudes or something to turn our attention away. We're planning our very first Christmas eve service and while I'm excited, I feel like we're behind on the details and my attitude toward the whole thing sometimes seems ready to sour.

But when I think about what's going on, I don't get discouraged, I get energized. I realize that I'm in a battle. A battle for the hearts of my kids and for the hearts of our church and this community. Of course there's going to be opposition. I don't like it, but it makes sense. And I can honestly say that I'll take this kind of opposition instead of what some believers in other parts of the world must overcome.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christmas Is Coming

Things have been a little bit more exciting lately.  I guess I thought that after a couple years, the work of starting a church would slow down or mellow out.  I was wrong.  But that's just fine.  There's still thousands of people right here in Pitt County that haven't met Jesus in a life-changing way, and thousands of others who aren't growing and aren't connected to any kind of church.  We're working to change that.

That said, we start a new series this weekend and it should be great.  I'm excited about it and excited to get back to speaking after a couple weeks off (and I think Dusty did a great job).  If you like Christmas lights, you'll like this week.  If you like presents you'll love next week and if you don't like all the "holiday" and "X-mas" stuff replacing CHRISTmas, then you won't want to miss the 23rd.  We'll pack everything up on the 30th and look back over what God has done this last year.  All while trying to answer the question "So This Is Christmas?"  

And have I mentioned that this year we get to do a Christmas Eve service?  I'm stoked about that, not to mention that we get to leave our stuff set up for the whole week of Christmas which means a lot less stress and work (at least the physical labor kind).  We're only doing one service and I don't know if we'll be able to fit everyone, but we're gonna try.  Service will be at 7PM and last an hour.  If we can get everything we've talked about, this will be one service you won't want to miss!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Why I Love College Football

Unranked Pitt 13
#2 West Virginia 9

#9 Oklahoma 38
#1 Missouri 17

West Virginia is the 13th top five team to lose to an unranked opponent (and 7th #2 to lose).  Missouri is simply the latest #1 to take a tumble.  So Ohio State is gonna play 2 loss Georgia (not even the SEC champs) in the national championship game?  I could live with Ohio State and LSU but Georgia?

Yeah BCS.....who needs a playoff?