Thursday, December 06, 2007

So You Wanna Be A Teacher?

I'm probably stating the obvious when I say that things are getting worse in education.  Maybe it's because teachers can't just teach anymore.  Just today a report came out that our county (Pitt, NC) has the third highest crime rate in schools of all counties in North Carolina, and three of the top five are practically neighbors here in Eastern NC.   You can see the full report by individual county HERE

Just here in Pitt county there were 10 assaults that resulted in serious injury and 62 assaults on school personnel.  Both those numbers are more then in the Charlotte area (Mecklenburg county) which has more than 5 times the number of students!  I'd say we've got a problem.

But I'd also say that's our calling.  It's an opportunity.  It's causing me to think about how Discovery Church can be a part of the solution instead of just another whiner complaining about how bad things are.  I don't know what the solution is, don't know what part we'll play, but I sure think we can do something.  I think we need to do something.

Any ideas out there from our Discoverers (or anyone else)?

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