Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, a 12 year old girl in Canada took her dad to court for not letting her go on a school trip because of inappropriate internet behavior.....and the little twerp won! Apparently the court thought the punishment was too severe. What's next, jail time for the mom that makes her son eat all his vegetables or the family that grounds their kid from going to the movies because he didn't pick up his room? Ridiculous! Don't believe me? See for yourself Somebody ought to shoot the lawyers who take these cases and the judges who don't immediately toss them out.
Then that person would go to court for attempted murder and the cycle progresses...
yeah, but at least that's a valid reason for showing up in a court room, unlike parent/child mediation on the appropriateness of a grounding.
Thats crazy. The judge and the lawyer need to be chastized for taking it to court and then passing the ruling in the girls favor. I think the father had ever right to do what he did and by the judging making the ruling in the girls favor is ike telling the dad he is a mad parent and telling the little girl its ok to post inapproperat things on the internet and do other inappropriate things.
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