Seriously though. There are so many people that enter into marriage with a smile on their face and they're oblivious to how the game is supposed to be played. So what happens? They get into their marriage a few years and find out that it takes skill, effort, communication and teamwork to be successful. And if they discover that they don't have that, there are two options. Go out and learn the necessary skills or quit and try to play in a new game on a different team. Way too many people choose to quit and change teams. That's why I'm dressed as a referee. THERE WILL BE NO SWITCHING TEAMS if I do your wedding.
so should i start calling u robin williams now? u HAVE seen that movie right? Liscence To Wed...good funny movie... hey u know WHEN u do MY wedding...u can wear that if u want...at the actual..hehe... and as far as switching teams... there will be no offsides... ;)
I totally agree. I mean, Fred and I learned the rules of the game AFTER the wedding. It took us a few years but we got the hang of it. :)
Went to my nephew's wedding last weekend. We are praying for them, we have a feeling they, too, are clueless...
If you are doing the wedding, I know it will be FAR from boring.
oh btw... ANOTHER of ur youth is getting married.... Chris Wand...in december... my how ur kids are growing up...FAST!
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