Occasionally I'll have an epiphany of sorts where I realize that there are yet more things I'm not good at. It's happened before and I'm sure it will happen again - maybe even later today. I'm not sad, upset or lonely. I'm actually ok with these truths and I've come to grip with them. Some may change, some may be sentenced to haunt me until I die. Either way, I'm taking to my blog to confess...
- I am not good at administrative stuff. I know this because it is now Wednesday (not Monday) and after 4 hours of sitting at the computer I'm finally done entering and updating people and info from the weekend. I also totally didn't follow through on something I started almost 2 weeks ago (BTW - starting is not good enough) and if you've ever seen my desk you KNOW that I am not good at administrative stuff. Hate it.
- I'm not good at keeping things going. This kinda goes with my administrative short-comings, but I'll work to get something going and implemented, and then if I don't drive it, it falls to the wayside. I hate that. Either I need to raise up a leader to take it over or figure out a way to make it keep going. I guess I get bored with stuff too soon.
- I'm not good at having a regular datenight. Shame on me right?! Lately I've been terrible about this and I'll take all the blame. My wife would go out with me in a minute if I had this scheduled (who wouldn't though? I'm just THAT fun to be around). Putting some effort into making this work though.
- I'm not good at housework. Not only do I not really like it, my wife is waaaay better at it and since I work at home a lot, I really don't like to work around the house. In fact, if it ever stops raining I still need to fix the stupid pool so it won't rot over the winter now that I've finally got the replacement part I need. I've also got bushes to trim, pressure washing to do, gutters to hang, railings to repair, and that's just outside.
- I'm not good at planning ahead. I force myself to do it, but more often then not, things "sneak up" on me and I hate that. At the same time, I'm a "go with the flow" kinda guy so I don't get all bent out of shape when plans change. Unfortunately, not everybody is like that so my short-coming is somebody else's source of frustration usually.
When you were posting about things you are not good at, you forgot to mention basketbal...j/k
As for things your good at
1) Smashing perfectly good lights on stage
2) Shooting a potato gun all over the church audience.
3) Grilling steaks while you preach.
4) Picking College programs to root for.
5) Having kids
6) Picking your wife.
7) Stepping on peoples toes (in a good way, we(they) need it)
8) Remembering people's names.
9) Blogging (compared to Claude and Randy)
10) Making fun of Claude.
Derick Shipley
at least you recognize what you're not so good at...so you can work on it
or, at least know about it. ;)
love what derick wrote....
although I'm curious now about the potato gun. (and the video w/ the gun...hmmmm)
and wholeheartedly agree w/ #5 and 6.....
I understand about date night. I have issues like that in my life. As someone told me, "Priorities are what we do. Everything else is just talk."
you were pretty decent at paying for me to eat lunch.
You're good at making your staff feel appreciated!!!
Anyway, aren't you suppose to find your strengths and develop them!?!?!
You can't be every part of the body of Christ, right?
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