I had a choice to make and decided that dealing directly, honestly and Biblically with stuff was the best way. I'm convinced of that. Don't think for a second that myself and others didn't look and even desperately search for an "easy button." It's just nowhere to be found. People may disagree, but it doesn't matter. Are things gonna be different? To some degree. Is everything going to be all right? Depends on the choices YOU make. Is God bigger than our problems? Absolutely!
When stuff happens, and you don't know what to do, you can never go wrong by praying, asking God for wisdom, insight, direction, peace comfort or anything else you feel you need. He's there and He cares - whether you've made the right choices or the wrong ones. Thanks God.
I'll be praying for you guys!
In our thoughts and prayers Jas. We love you and we KNOW God sent you to Discovery for a purpose, HIS PURPOSE!!! I believe in you and in what you're doing there. God doesn't promise easy, he promises he will be there to see us through as long as we keep the focus on HIM alone. Stay strong my friend. Don't let Satan have a foothold with his discouragement.
Your friends and prayer partners,
Dean and Mary
we miss you guys. even more on sundays.
i'm not sure what this post means.
but you sound sad.
even though hard decisions are sometimes best, it doesn't make them any less hard.
we'll be praying for you. all.
and we send our love. erika
Thanks guys....prayers are being felt and God is working and still on the throne. Love you guys.
I have sensed something was going on this past week. Whatever it is, I pray God continues to lead you in the way HE wants you to go.
Much love!!!
I knew a guy once who was a pastor and had a very interesting view point on troubles. He was an addict once and used to rummage through the folds of the carpet looking for discarded drugs when he was out. He claimed that it was extremely humbling.
When he became a pastor he found himself on the his knees again looking but for a greater treasure there. He claimed that it is also extremely humbling.
You know that with easy buttons, we would never look for treasures on our knees.
Praying for you and yours,
Love from Knoxville,
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