Friday, January 09, 2009

Problem Solved

Since making the switch to Apple, one thing I've noticed is that they tend to solve problems and innovate with useful ideas.  Sure, they've got some of the "cool factor" stuff but beyond that is a stable, functional set up.  I've told Lora that when we replace our desktop (which won't be too long) we're getting an iMac (now if I could just get that iPhone I keep hinting at!)

Since we don't have any official office space, we spend a lot of time emailing documents back and forth and when you mix in people who don't have or use a Mac and need things in Word or some other format, you can see where it might get to be a pain.  We've toyed with googledocs but it just didn't work for us (our problem for sure, not google - it's a great app).  We've dreamed about office space.  We've tweaked and tried to improve our communication.  I think the time has finally arrived.

From what I've seen, iWork '09 will finally solve our problems.  There is a share option that will upload any document to AND create it in multiple formats (.doc, .pdf) for people who don't have Pages.  Most likely this is how we'll distribute extra small group material, how we'll "group think" through the series planning process, coordinate and review messages and keep certain "system" files (the processes for getting certain things done) updated.  Can't wait.

See?  Problem solved (and this is just the first release)

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