Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FAQ - New Series Starting Soon

In a few weeks we'll be starting a new series called FAQ where you guys get to ask the questions - from the silly to the serious, from the Bible to the bathroom (well, maybe not the bathroom).  There are a couple of ways to submit questions early and during the series.  The easiest way for blog readers is to CLICK HERE and type in your question.  If you'd prefer to think about it and text it in, you can do that by texting "ASKDC" followed by a space and your question to 99503.  

But wait, there's more.  You can also use any smart phone by going to poll4.com and again, type "ASKDC" followed by a space and your question.

During the series questions will be live, but also moderated (we don't want bathroom humor and the like)  Here's just a sneak peak at what it will look like with approved questions (these were submitted the past couple of days)  There's no guarantee that we'll answer or even address every question, in fact, I'm sure we won't, but this is what people are thinking and wondering.

Create your own sms poll at Poll Everywhere


Dean Hewitt said...

I wonder if you would be willing to tackle a question I would submit?..hmmmmm

Jason Ebeling said...

I wouldn't know if you submitted it or not - it's anonymous - and limited to about 180 characters ;)

Joey said...

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Chicken or the egg?

Okay, thats all I got right now. LOL. Hope the series goes great.

Derick Shipley said...

After reading some of those questions, it looks like you got some work for this next series. It should be good and I am really interested in some of these answers, thanks for doing the series again.
