Thursday, April 09, 2009


Lately, my blog has been a picture of inconsistency.  Sometimes, there are posts back to back to back and other times, nothing for a week.  If someone uses a blog reader or subscribes to the feed, fine - they'll only notice me when there's something new.  But for those poor people who manually check - how thoroughly disappointing it must be to see nothing.  Hopefully they're not discouraged enough to stop.

Why is it people are inconsistent?  Lack of effort?  Lack of know-how?  Lack of commitment? What is it?  In almost every area of my life there are times when I've been inconsistent.  Basic life stuff like eating, sleeping and using the bathroom have been inconsistent.  Date nights, family time and even prayer time and Bible study time have all had seasons of inconsistency.  

No answers today folks, just the question - what causes me to be inconsistent?  Or if you'd rather not guess, what causes you to be inconsistent?


Grandma Strickland said...

Jason, we are easily distracted. It doesn't even matter if we enjoy what we are distracted by. We fail to prioritize our time so that we can be consistent. We often make the nonessential, essential and leave something essential undone.

The Nassars said...

just tonight, I was saying the same thing about my blog... glad to know I am not the only one slacking!

Jim Bird said...

I think sometimes inconsistency is a symptom of a deeper problem. I think we try to keep too many plates spinning/balls in the air/whatever. Here's the thing: If it's true that we have all the time we need to do all the things God wants us to do, and yet we are running out of time or falling behind, maybe we are doing things that God doesn't want us doing—even if they are "good" things. Much of my inconsistency comes from trying to do too many things—believing I can get them all done.

The Nassars said...

Jim, that has been my husband's view of life the last few years... you may be on to something