Friday, February 16, 2007

Getting Excited

As I've been reworking and tweaking our PARTnership class materials, I'm getting excited again. Not that I'm not excited about life in general or the church in particular, but freshening it up and clarifying some stuff gives me energy. I'm also looking forward to the class because we're doing some new things to liven it up a bit more. Not that it was a 100% boring by any means, but this one will be a bit more interactive and adventuresome.

With around two dozen people planning on attending, you can imagine my concern when I heard that the building we're planning on meeting at hadn't been confirmed for sure. Don't think it will be a problem, but if it is, those are the kinds of things I hate. It makes us look like we're unorganized and not on the ball (and that's exactly what will have happened if there's a problem) I guess it might just add to the excitement.

That's kinda the nature of church work though. We need to be ready to adapt to what's going on instead of just being a frustrated old stick in the mud (been there). While change is uncomfortable, it's also necessary. Plans don't always go how we'd like but there's no sense pouting about it. Address the issues and do the best you can. Around here we define excellence as "doing the best you can with what you've got" and that's still a high standard. I try not to compare myself to other pastors and churches because we're all in different places with different people, circumstances and resources. We're called to be obedient, not better than others. That's what doing our best is - us being obedient.

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