Thursday, February 08, 2007

Sarah's Birthday Pictures

Sarah had a princess party for her birthday. If I'm king of this castle, she's definitely the princess.

Sarah runs with an older crowd than the typical 3 year old.

But she gets as excited as any three year old when she gets to open presents

She wanted to go to Sonic for lunch and play on the slides (even though it was only 40)

Well look at that...there's TWO princesses living in my house. Hi Hannah

And this is just two of the five. Sometimes I wonder how I get anything done with work. Other times I wonder why I work so much when I've got this back home (or even downstairs some days)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I am a horrible best friend. Tell my little princess Happy Birthday. These pics dont make me miss you guys anymore... :-( Her and Hannah look so adorable! Love ya Jas, tell everyone I said hello!