Friday, February 23, 2007

When Things Don't Work Out

I hate unmet expectations. I get so easily upset and frustrated when things don't go the way I thought they should or I planned they would. For instance, we're starting a new series this week called Back 2 Basics which I'm really excited about. It's got a basic training/camo/military kind of theme to it and we decided to design some programs (bulletins) to go with it. Well they sent out, but the arrival date says they shouldn't arrive until Monday! Doesn't do me a lot of good this week. And we ordered 'em two weeks back. Now, I've prayed they'd show up today and there's still time for God to answer that prayer in the affirmative, and I could deal with that change in expectation much better.

Another unmet expectation is that this week while Lora was gone, I wanted to suprise her with a "secret project" a la Ty Pennington. I just don't think I'm going to get it done. I'm working extra on church stuff so I can have all day tomorrow to try and work my magic, but we'll see. Teaching kids, making meals, doing laundry and other domestic stuff while working from home on sermon prep and church planting doesn't leave a lot of time for projects as big as what I tried to take on. Maybe I'll get part of it done though since she doesn't arrive until after 6PM

Makes me wonder if God ever has unmet expectations. I mean, he knows everything, so doesn't he just expect what happens to happen? I guess on one hand he expects us to be obedient and live a righteous life that glorifies him, but on the other hand, he knows we sin so doesn't he expect us to miss the mark? If I think about it too long my brain hurts. God's just so much bigger and better than my itty bitty understanding can comprehend.

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