Saturday, March 24, 2007


It's been one of those weeks.

I've had to remind myself a bunch this week that I'm not fighting other people or anything like that. The battle that's been raging this week is obviously spiritual. I'm sure it's been that way all along, but I've found someone or something to focus on and complain about.

Church planting can be such a tough job. The list of things to do for any pastor is miles long, and that's partly our own fault, but I think it's another mile or two longer if you're a church planter.

First, you don't know who to trust because nobody has been there longer than you and you're still trying to figure it all out.

Second, there's fewer places to "hide" since a lot of us work from our homes or at Starbucks.

Third, finances are much more unpredictable so how do you "know" if you can pay for this or that ministry or even the pastor's salary.

Fourth, nobody wants to fail, and if a church plant doesn't work there's fewer excuses available. Can't blame failure on tradition, the deacons/elders, location, music wars or things like that because all that's been determined by the church planter!

Lastly, it's the front lines of war. The spiritual battle is toughest where the Kingdom of God is advancing and having an impact on people and places Satan once influenced.

So why am I so suprised by the battle that rages? I don't know. I guess sometimes I'm like most Christians and think that since I've trusted Jesus, everything should just be alright. That was stupid.

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