What's For Lunch on Sunday?
Last week we let everyone know that we were after church on Sunday and that we were serving having dinnerhumongous spuds. We got the potatoes in, but they're not quite as big as I'm used to seeing. Either way, one of these monsters should fill you up. Especially when you add all the delicious toppings that are going to be available from standard butter and sour cream to chili, bacon, mushrooms and cheese. Hope everyone is planning on eating.
If you're wondering what's the deal with potatoes at church is, I can't tell you yet, but I'll give you a hint of what you'll see in church on Sunday. If you know, don't ruin the suprise for everyone. The picture is not an exact representation and I have no idea who the little girl is...I just found it on the internet.So, come prepared on Sunday and see if you can figure out before you come what this picture and potatoes have to do with learning about the Holy Spirit. And for those out there who say it has absolutely nothing to do with church and shouldn't be included, I simply disagree. Spectacular things happened with Jesus all the time and he taught through those events, sometimes without even speaking. It's called an object lesson, and we've got one planned for Sunday. Don't miss it.
Sweet, can't wait for it!!!
answer...God IS BIGGER than the air i breathe...and SPUDNIGHT!!!!! SWEET!!!! tho i wont or cant be there :( also...NO SPUDS could be biger than our innagural spud night...those things were frikin MASSIVELY HUMONGUSLY GIGANTE!!!!!
SPUD NIGHT... :-( Oh tear, I miss those days! How fun. Remember the video you and Josh made for Spud night. HA LOVE IT! Miss you JaS!
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