Celebrate AND Remember
On Wednesday we had one of our Lord's Supper (Communion meals) that we do at Discovery. It was a great time with good food. We do it a little different. Instead of having it at church during a church service, we set aside time in the middle of the week to come together as a family of believers and eat together, pray together, sing together and remember what Jesus has done and is still doing for us. The church provides the meat and the people bring the rest so it's like a pot-luck. We must have been hungry because we ate almost all of it up.
I like to make it something worth coming to and so we set the tables and prepare the place before people get there. It's not too fancy or anything, but we want to be prepared and honoring of our guests and Christ. We served Rotissary chicken and whatever everyone else brought. Thought it was fun to let everyone carve their own bird right at their table too. After dinner we shared a few stories, celebrated communion and sang a couple songs. The people were wonderful in helping to clean up. Everything was taken down, cleaned up, packed up and loaded up in about 40 minutes. I love this church!
Here's one of the songs that we sang....I love it.
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