Monday, May 07, 2007

Can You Believe It

I haven't been posting since we went to DC, but I'm back and am still swirling about yesterday and what God's doing all around this country. At Discovery, I spoke about finding success in your finances from 2 Corinthians 8 and challenged the people to give like the Macedonian churches gave - "beyond their ability". They did.

We have a couple people going out this summer to various places...Botswana (10 weeks) and the Ukraine (10 days), Nicaragua, etc. and we also want to see more churches started right here in Greenville. So I challenged people to give to help make a difference with their money by giving to people going to places we can't or won't go. Let me just say that our people ROCK! They gave more than a regular week just to the missions collection we did and still gave more than twice the weekly average in regular giving. Blown away.

Then I read some of the blogs I check regularly and hear what God's doing within a few hours drive of this place. At New Spring Church over 150 people accepted Christ in a service that Perry Noble says wasn't even geared toward a "salvation" message. Then I saw that Elevation over in Charlotte had 100 people begin to follow Christ on Sunday! Congratulations Steve That's amazing...just like God.

And I'm in the process of seeing if some of Lora and my faithful financial supporters would agree to one more year of support for us (so we can keep Discovery funds freed up for ministry) and I just found out about one family (who I haven't even asked or talked with yet) is going to do another year! I can't help but feel blessed to be a part of this.

1 comment:

Jim Bird said...

I was with Claude and Sheila when you sent them the text. They were blown away. So were Shanna and I. Praise God!