Monday, May 14, 2007

Staff Meetings

I used to really dread staff meetings where I served before...lots of talk no real action (at least on anything earth shattering). I don't mind talking if it leads to something. Nothing better than a good ol' knock-down-drag-out debate over some relevant ministry issue. I don't want our staff meetings to be boring, but sometimes they bog down in details that don't matter. That frustrates me.

Just read through a book called "Death By Meeting" and have to say I really liked it. It suggests having more, but also more focused/targeted meetings. A stand-up 5 minute briefing each day, weekly, quarterly and then yearly meetings. The problem I'm having is since we don't have an office (unless you count Panera, Bojangles and CiCi's), since we don't even have "real" full-time staff but bi-vocational staff, and since we have limited face-time with all of us together, how does a church plant team do the 5 minute meeting?

The answer so far is we don't and so we play a little bit of catch up at our weekly meeting sometimes and we end up bogging down. Did I say I hate that? We could try email, but that doesn't allow for real-time interaction. Maybe we could schedule daily IM's, but that seems mechanical and like overkill. Conference call? Wonder how and if it might help.

What do you suggest to help staff and key ministry leaders make sure we're all on the same page and all moving the same direction from day to day? Tried anything? Know of anything that works?


Anonymous said...

You can't all meet every day, so you would have to go w/ daily conf calls. Just to give a quick update and then weekly face to face meetings. Maybe schedule every day at a certian time so everyone can plan around it. Just my 2 cents.


Anonymous said...

Back in my "corporate days" our plant manager was insistant on daily staff meetings. We all moaned and groaned about going to them, but he was very systematic about how they were conducted. We had an agenda, no meeting was to last more than 45 minutes and if you were late then you were "fined". (he set up a fine jar that if you were late you had to put in $1 and the proceeds went to buying a treat for everyone--usually some doughnuts)
