Thursday, May 24, 2007

Staff Evaluations

So it's already the end of Thursday and I posted like once this week. Maybe I'm not back.

Anyhow, I'm not about to detail our staff evaluations, but I'm now done sitting down with each of our staff guys (Brent, Claude and Davey) and I can say a few things. First, I'm glad these are done. I was stressing them a bit because there were a couple of spots that each one needed to work on and I really don't like pointing that out. The good news is, they all recognized it before I ever really brought it to their attention. Second, I still don't know who's going to do mine. I get feedback, but I'd like a more detailed evaluation. Here's a few reasons why I think evaluations are important tools

They force issues to be addressed
Earned praise is given
Deserved "blame" is assigned and accepted
They lead to changes for the better
There's an agreed upon goal coming out of them
They involve input from others
They take the big picture into consideration as well as the little (position specific)
They force us to think towards the future instead of camp in the past
They're raw, real and uncomfortable (which forces us to grow)
They're a snap shot of the process, not the finish line
They force us to make adjustments individually and collectively
They help staff fine tune their fit
They provide accountability

Did I say I'm glad they're over?!

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