Friday, June 08, 2007

Things I Don't Know

It's Friday and I usually think of a lot of different things I don't know on Friday's for some reason so I thought I'd share some of them.

I don't know....

how to fix a car (that's why I have Claude)
where in the world Carmen San Diego is
why I love tacos
who's going to show up for Second Saturday Service tomorrow
what 25 hours in a car with my 5 kids (including an 11 month old) will be like
who's speaking on July 1 (since Randy and Laci might have their baby then - or not)
why some people are truly stupid
why those same stupid people annoy me
where these crazy thoughts come from
but most of all, I don't know....
why God chose me or how he continues to love me some days.


e said...

ummm...randy and laci are having a BABY?!?!?! tell them congratulations for us!!! the Willards ;)

Jim Bird said...

You should have asked me!