This blog post reminds me of a series we did in our first month - talking about "fat" Christians who only want to feed themselves. The blogger compares it to "fit" Christians who understand that opportunities should exist for others, not just ourselves.
Read it HERE
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Don't Tell Me You Can't
I count myself extremely blessed. I am married to a wonderful woman - I definitely married above me. I've got 5 healthy and active kids each with their own individual personality. I get paid to care about people and help them care about others because Jesus cares about us all. I get to do ministry with people I really like being around. I have friends all over, from Korea, Iraq and England to Minnesota, Florida and Texas. I could go on...
So when Lora asked if she could take Sarah to the $1 morning movie after dropping the boys off at wrestling camp, I told her sure. Now, that means I'm at the house with a one year old that can't really entertain herself, but I count it my privilege.
So when Lora called to tell me she felt guilty and I about hung up on her - stop feeling guilty for letting me be a dad to my daughter so you can be a mom to yours! (nothing personal honey)
Could I get anything done? Yep. Just not work related. Hannah and I rolled around on the floor, cuddled, "talked" to each other (I speak pretty fluent baby) and I just laid her down for a nap. Is it sometimes hard to balance work and family? Of course, that's actually one of the few stupid questions that actually exist.
But I believe that my success as a person, my success as a pastor, rests squarely on the foundation of my success as a husband and father. I finished reading Andy Stanley's book, Choosing to Cheat (cheaper if you buy direct) about a month ago, and he's right - we all cheat somewhere. Unfortunately for families everywhere, too many people cheat their families and wouldn't even think of "cheating" work. Is it because you might get fired and at least your family can't fire you??? Face it, if people needed to perform up to a certain standard in order to keep their "job" as parents, some kids would fire their parents in a minute if they could (and it won't matter how much $$$ they throw at 'em) For that matter, some spouses would fire their "beloved" too - because they're failing to live up to expectations.
But no, we make excuses, lower expectations, settle for less than the best and then gather together to complain about it, realize that we're not the only ones and think we can at least feel a bit better knowing there are other people who are as miserable and unfulfilled as we are. That's not something to cheer about, it's something we should help change.
So come on people. Leave work early and take your wife out or take your kids fishing or camping or something. If you think you "can't" take time off of work, maybe it's time you start looking for a new job (and stop making excuses about why you "can't" do that either)
So when Lora asked if she could take Sarah to the $1 morning movie after dropping the boys off at wrestling camp, I told her sure. Now, that means I'm at the house with a one year old that can't really entertain herself, but I count it my privilege.
So when Lora called to tell me she felt guilty and I about hung up on her - stop feeling guilty for letting me be a dad to my daughter so you can be a mom to yours! (nothing personal honey)
Could I get anything done? Yep. Just not work related. Hannah and I rolled around on the floor, cuddled, "talked" to each other (I speak pretty fluent baby) and I just laid her down for a nap. Is it sometimes hard to balance work and family? Of course, that's actually one of the few stupid questions that actually exist.
But I believe that my success as a person, my success as a pastor, rests squarely on the foundation of my success as a husband and father. I finished reading Andy Stanley's book, Choosing to Cheat (cheaper if you buy direct) about a month ago, and he's right - we all cheat somewhere. Unfortunately for families everywhere, too many people cheat their families and wouldn't even think of "cheating" work. Is it because you might get fired and at least your family can't fire you??? Face it, if people needed to perform up to a certain standard in order to keep their "job" as parents, some kids would fire their parents in a minute if they could (and it won't matter how much $$$ they throw at 'em) For that matter, some spouses would fire their "beloved" too - because they're failing to live up to expectations.
But no, we make excuses, lower expectations, settle for less than the best and then gather together to complain about it, realize that we're not the only ones and think we can at least feel a bit better knowing there are other people who are as miserable and unfulfilled as we are. That's not something to cheer about, it's something we should help change.
So come on people. Leave work early and take your wife out or take your kids fishing or camping or something. If you think you "can't" take time off of work, maybe it's time you start looking for a new job (and stop making excuses about why you "can't" do that either)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Why I Like Discovery
Yesterday at church we saw a number of firsts.
- We saw the worship leader for a new church that's coming to town speaking to Discovery Church on prayer (we'll see it again for two more weeks).
- We saw about 25 people join me in the "upper room" for 30 minutes of prayer for our city before the service (if we can keep those kinds of numbers that will be huge)
- We saw the unveiling of our Aviom system which allows us to get rid of the stage monitors, clean up the sound, and let the band decide what they want to hear themselves.
- We saw our worship leader Davey say, "I have an announcement. I asked Janelle to marry me...and....SHE SAID YES!" (congratulations Davey)
- And we saw the Boys and Girls Club at 7AM since we had to finish set up on Sunday for the first time since we've moved back in April. Thanks to all those great Discovery people who came out to help AND stayed afterwards.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Windows and Doors
Been waiting for something we ordered to get here. Even paid extra to have it shipped quicker and guarantee delivery by the weekend. Ever thought how that is a little bit like how we sometimes pray?
Think about it. Jesus tells us that we can ask for anything and we'll get it (if of course we obey him). So we go to him in prayer and "place an order." Sometimes we spend a little extra time hoping to have our answer arrive earlier than it would with "regular delivery." And then what do we do? We just sit there and stare out the window waiting for the delivery truck to show up.
But Jesus also told us that sometimes we need to be a little more proactive and persistent, like load up and drive the truck ourselves. In other words, don't just phone in your order....keep calling and make sure it gets delivered to you on time. You know, pray without ceasing kinda stuff - not look out the window and wait for your answer to be "delivered."
What's the take away? Right now I'm just praying UPS arrives today. No, seriously, I'm working on not staring out the window so much and instead, continually knocking on the door. Already seeing some answers.
And I'm praying for the guys from Integrity who are going to be teaching us about prayer for the next three weeks. You won't want to miss it. Starts this Sunday.
But Jesus also told us that sometimes we need to be a little more proactive and persistent, like load up and drive the truck ourselves. In other words, don't just phone in your order....keep calling and make sure it gets delivered to you on time. You know, pray without ceasing kinda stuff - not look out the window and wait for your answer to be "delivered."
And I'm praying for the guys from Integrity who are going to be teaching us about prayer for the next three weeks. You won't want to miss it. Starts this Sunday.
Change just for the sake of change is not a good thing, but that doesn't mean change is bad. Rapidly changing circumstances require changes in approach and even in plans. There's no shortage of change in a church plant.
We've changed locations three times (four if you count moving out of my house), changed the people who speak, changed what we load, how we load and where we load it, changed the set up, changed our print stuff, changed our sound board, speakers, band members and singers. We've even changed over a few staff in the 15 months we've been at this thing. And there's been no shortage of date changes.
So I've decided not to get too frustrated when we try to let our people know something ahead of time, only to get new information that changes everything. For instance, over the past couple of months that we've been at the Boys and Girls Club we've been able to set up on Saturday night. We've made our stage, curtains, sound and everything else available to the BGC and the people who rent space from them as long as we have a bit of advance notice. So this weekend, we were told there was going to be a wedding reception and that it'd be done late on Saturday. Of course we offered to set up and hadn't heard anything in a couple of weeks.
So yesterday we send out an email to our PARTners and regular attendees asking them to help set up on Sunday morning bright and early (7AM). About five hours later I get a call. The BGC and wedding party would like stuff set up on Friday night so they can decorate for the reception that's on Saturday. And everything will be done by 6:30PM! That's when we'd normally set up.
Oh well, I'll just need to call the generous people who've responded that they'll come help on Sunday and let them know that plans have changed. And I'm ok with that. God does that sometimes. That's how I ended up planting a church. It's how I ended up in Greenville. It's how Claude got here. Same with Randy and Laci. Plans changed, and so far, that's been a good thing.
We've changed locations three times (four if you count moving out of my house), changed the people who speak, changed what we load, how we load and where we load it, changed the set up, changed our print stuff, changed our sound board, speakers, band members and singers. We've even changed over a few staff in the 15 months we've been at this thing. And there's been no shortage of date changes.
So I've decided not to get too frustrated when we try to let our people know something ahead of time, only to get new information that changes everything. For instance, over the past couple of months that we've been at the Boys and Girls Club we've been able to set up on Saturday night. We've made our stage, curtains, sound and everything else available to the BGC and the people who rent space from them as long as we have a bit of advance notice. So this weekend, we were told there was going to be a wedding reception and that it'd be done late on Saturday. Of course we offered to set up and hadn't heard anything in a couple of weeks.
So yesterday we send out an email to our PARTners and regular attendees asking them to help set up on Sunday morning bright and early (7AM). About five hours later I get a call. The BGC and wedding party would like stuff set up on Friday night so they can decorate for the reception that's on Saturday. And everything will be done by 6:30PM! That's when we'd normally set up.
Oh well, I'll just need to call the generous people who've responded that they'll come help on Sunday and let them know that plans have changed. And I'm ok with that. God does that sometimes. That's how I ended up planting a church. It's how I ended up in Greenville. It's how Claude got here. Same with Randy and Laci. Plans changed, and so far, that's been a good thing.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Family Time
It's Wednesday and I'm really working at taking the whole day off (so sometimes I might not post on Wed). Anyhow, just got back from taking the boys out to the new theater where they have $1 movies in the morning during the summer. We saw Shark Tale.
I hadn't seen it before and after our series on God in Film, I look at it differently. Here's a few of the lessons I saw in it.
You don't have to be "successful" to be important. In the movie, a fish is tired of being a "nobody" and wants to do something great so he can be a "somebody." My kids don't and won't care if I'm a great pastor who's considered successful. I'm important to them as a Dad, as their mentor/teacher, and as the spiritual leader of our home. People get so caught up in succeeding at work that a lot of them fail at home. I'm not going to be one of those people.
You don't have to be like everyone else, or even your family, wants you to be. There's this shark in the movie who's a vegetarian and isn't really accepted by his Dad or brother. I've spoken with a lot of people who are still trying to live up to the dreams and expectations that their parents had for them and they find themselves constantly disappointed because they'll never be good enough. Parents, we have a lot of power over our kids future. Speak truth into it, but also speak life. Let your kids be themselves, don't try to make them be you. And don't turn them into something they're not - the second they leave home you'll be left wondering why they're so different.
Check the facts, don't buy the lie. The fish in the movie tells a huge lie that he killed a shark and people (fish) just believe him. Especially in America I think we have a mob mentality. Whatever the masses are doing, are wearing, are watching or think is cool, we just join in. We're a bunch of bandwagoneers. Just check your inbox and see how many "I know this is true" emails you have from well-meaning individuals who didn't bother to check the facts. If they had, they'd know you don't get paid for forwarding emails, good luck won't come if you do, and there's no little kid still trying to receive the most get well cards.
So any of you learned any lessons from the movies lately?
I hadn't seen it before and after our series on God in Film, I look at it differently. Here's a few of the lessons I saw in it.
You don't have to be "successful" to be important. In the movie, a fish is tired of being a "nobody" and wants to do something great so he can be a "somebody." My kids don't and won't care if I'm a great pastor who's considered successful. I'm important to them as a Dad, as their mentor/teacher, and as the spiritual leader of our home. People get so caught up in succeeding at work that a lot of them fail at home. I'm not going to be one of those people.
You don't have to be like everyone else, or even your family, wants you to be. There's this shark in the movie who's a vegetarian and isn't really accepted by his Dad or brother. I've spoken with a lot of people who are still trying to live up to the dreams and expectations that their parents had for them and they find themselves constantly disappointed because they'll never be good enough. Parents, we have a lot of power over our kids future. Speak truth into it, but also speak life. Let your kids be themselves, don't try to make them be you. And don't turn them into something they're not - the second they leave home you'll be left wondering why they're so different.
Check the facts, don't buy the lie. The fish in the movie tells a huge lie that he killed a shark and people (fish) just believe him. Especially in America I think we have a mob mentality. Whatever the masses are doing, are wearing, are watching or think is cool, we just join in. We're a bunch of bandwagoneers. Just check your inbox and see how many "I know this is true" emails you have from well-meaning individuals who didn't bother to check the facts. If they had, they'd know you don't get paid for forwarding emails, good luck won't come if you do, and there's no little kid still trying to receive the most get well cards.
So any of you learned any lessons from the movies lately?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
How -vs- Who
One of the things I constantly struggle with is trying to make it all work. There are many days when I feel like I'm spread too thin because I'm being asked questions that really aren't "mine" to answer or I'm working on problems that really aren't "mine."
A good example of this is our worship. I've lead worship, run sound and set up video stuff for a number of years, but I'm certainly not the "go-to guy" for any of it. Yet I have my opinions and, not to be cocky, my opinions actually matter since I'm the lead pastor. Still, when we have differences of opinion about volume, mix, song choice, video solutions etc., somebody needs to take care of "solving" those "problems" and it shouldn't have to be me. So why do I have such a hard time letting others solve it?
I've come to the conclusion that it's because I care. Unfortunately though, I've decided that I don't care enough. Now, it's not that I don't care enough about the sound, lights, video, etc, it's that I don't care enough about the people that are serving there. You see, rather than trying to make all the decisions and fix all the little issues, I should be looking for opportunities to help others learn. I should be giving them clearer expectation, more regular (and honest) feedback, and helping them grow as leaders.
Does everything from sound and video, to signs and hospitality to greeters and follow up matter? Of course. But the people responsible for it matter more. After all, I'm in the people business because people matter to God.
The take-a-way? Stop focusing so much time and energy on HOW things are done and start investing in the WHO.
A good example of this is our worship. I've lead worship, run sound and set up video stuff for a number of years, but I'm certainly not the "go-to guy" for any of it. Yet I have my opinions and, not to be cocky, my opinions actually matter since I'm the lead pastor. Still, when we have differences of opinion about volume, mix, song choice, video solutions etc., somebody needs to take care of "solving" those "problems" and it shouldn't have to be me. So why do I have such a hard time letting others solve it?
I've come to the conclusion that it's because I care. Unfortunately though, I've decided that I don't care enough. Now, it's not that I don't care enough about the sound, lights, video, etc, it's that I don't care enough about the people that are serving there. You see, rather than trying to make all the decisions and fix all the little issues, I should be looking for opportunities to help others learn. I should be giving them clearer expectation, more regular (and honest) feedback, and helping them grow as leaders.
Does everything from sound and video, to signs and hospitality to greeters and follow up matter? Of course. But the people responsible for it matter more. After all, I'm in the people business because people matter to God.
The take-a-way? Stop focusing so much time and energy on HOW things are done and start investing in the WHO.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Great Day
I just got back from the airport and picking up my wife! She's home and that alone makes it a great day. Add to that the fact I got to meet with my accountability guys this morning at my house and cooked 'em breakfast and it gets better. But then throw in that we rescheduled our staff meeting for the morning and it's great - now that I can spend the night with my wife (yep kids, you're going to bed early). And then I got the numbers from the weekend and we had 137 people with us on Sunday (including 15 first time guests) and that's 61 more people than last year at this time - well, it's a fantastic day.
I don't know what was going on last year, but when I see that we had our lowest attendance EVER one year ago and then this year we had one of our higher ones (at least for summer time), I'm pumped. I think the message went well. Enjoyed having the kids play a part in it. Music was good (even if it was a little loud). Still, middle of summer, first pleasant day in a week, and we still had over 130 - God's up to something.
Forgot to mention what may be an answer to prayer too. Got an email from one of our first time guests that really made my day. It encouraged me by highlighting our greeters, our signage and our music, but what really perked my ears was when they mentioned that they are a video production major who has a passion for helping churches and would love to help us! That's a prayer I started praying more specifically just this week! Now I may be premature, but I'm still excited that God is at least listening.
Hope your day is as great as mine's been. Only thing better might be dinner ALONE with my wife.
I don't know what was going on last year, but when I see that we had our lowest attendance EVER one year ago and then this year we had one of our higher ones (at least for summer time), I'm pumped. I think the message went well. Enjoyed having the kids play a part in it. Music was good (even if it was a little loud). Still, middle of summer, first pleasant day in a week, and we still had over 130 - God's up to something.
Forgot to mention what may be an answer to prayer too. Got an email from one of our first time guests that really made my day. It encouraged me by highlighting our greeters, our signage and our music, but what really perked my ears was when they mentioned that they are a video production major who has a passion for helping churches and would love to help us! That's a prayer I started praying more specifically just this week! Now I may be premature, but I'm still excited that God is at least listening.
Hope your day is as great as mine's been. Only thing better might be dinner ALONE with my wife.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Miss My Wife
First off, let me say thanks to our troops. I don't know how these guys can handle it when they're away from their wives and families for months at a time. I can't hardly handle the few days Lora's gone - and no, it's not because I need her to cook my dinner. It's because I love her, want her near and wish she were here right now.
Talked to her a bit ago and she was heading out to their camp site so I won't talk to her until late Sunday or early Monday. She was mentioning that she's been at 6000 ft elevation and it's really taking a toll on her - she feels tired way quicker and she hates that. I honestly don't know what that feels like - haven't hardly been west of the Mississippi before.
I gave her the condensed version of tomorrow's message. Since we're keeping the kids in their for this last one in our God on Film series, I asked Claude to help me make it a bit more "kid-friendly" I think we've succeeded. Should be fun tomorrow and a little bit convicting too.
Talked to her a bit ago and she was heading out to their camp site so I won't talk to her until late Sunday or early Monday. She was mentioning that she's been at 6000 ft elevation and it's really taking a toll on her - she feels tired way quicker and she hates that. I honestly don't know what that feels like - haven't hardly been west of the Mississippi before.
I gave her the condensed version of tomorrow's message. Since we're keeping the kids in their for this last one in our God on Film series, I asked Claude to help me make it a bit more "kid-friendly" I think we've succeeded. Should be fun tomorrow and a little bit convicting too.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Back To The Water
Last Friday some of the students went to Green Springs and had so much fun they decided to go again today. Since Mom is out of town and I have most of my stuff done for the weekend, I took the boys with me. They're way more fearless than their dad.
Since there were a bunch of other locals around there, we decided to order enough pizza for lunch so everyone could eat - our way of saying God loves you and so do we. Ran out of drinks and didn't have much left of 15 pizzas. People didn't quite know what to say (but at least they said thanks)
Some people think that evangelism is all about what you say. I used to think like that. But it's not. It's just as much and probably more about what you do. Do you listen? Do you serve? Do you share? Do you encourage? Do you bless?
Today we used pizza. Started a few conversations and opened these guys up to at least wanting to hear about why we would buy them pizza and drinks. Once they ask, THEN we can talk. Before that, they didn't want to hear and probably wouldn't listen. If I'm going to tell them about Jesus, I'd rather have them wanting to know then wanting to leave, how 'bout you?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Glad To Serve
Got a chance this morning to help out with Dr. David Jeremiah, Turning Point ministries and Feed The Children since they're in town for a two day event at Minges Coliseum tonight and tomorrow night. The cool thing about this for me was that we were contacted by them and were asked to help.
Why is that cool?
Because we're a new one-year old start up church with less than 150 people and we were contacted mainly because of our website and what that says about us as a church. They took notice of us, contacted us, and asked us to partner with them in getting the food unloaded and distributed. Discovery Church people stepped up, showed up and helped out. And since they didn't have quite as many in attendance as they were planning on, we've got four pallets of goods that we'll be distributing around here in the weeks to come.
I was encouraged. Encouraged that we were noticed by an associate pastor at a 6000 person church in California. Encouraged that our people are willing to come out and work in the heat and humidity before they go to work (or right after they get off working all night). Encouraged by kind words and media coverage. Encouraged that we were invited to be a part of helping to meet needs in our community.
God's up to something people...and He's including us.
Why is that cool?
Because we're a new one-year old start up church with less than 150 people and we were contacted mainly because of our website and what that says about us as a church. They took notice of us, contacted us, and asked us to partner with them in getting the food unloaded and distributed. Discovery Church people stepped up, showed up and helped out. And since they didn't have quite as many in attendance as they were planning on, we've got four pallets of goods that we'll be distributing around here in the weeks to come.
I was encouraged. Encouraged that we were noticed by an associate pastor at a 6000 person church in California. Encouraged that our people are willing to come out and work in the heat and humidity before they go to work (or right after they get off working all night). Encouraged by kind words and media coverage. Encouraged that we were invited to be a part of helping to meet needs in our community.
God's up to something people...and He's including us.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
She's Gone
It's been about 8 hours since I left my wife at the airport in Raleigh and not only am I alive, but the five young 'uns are still kickin too. Lora's gone to New Mexico to visit a friend, hike a little, go whitewater rafting, kayaking and stuff like that. I'm so excited for her to finally be breaking out of her shell (big time). And for me and the kids it's going to be an interesting few days, but I'm really looking forward to it.
I just finished looking over some stuff that we'll be using in about a month for one of our series and I'm really excited about that too. I'm just excited. I see opportunity. I see memorable experiences happening and I see our church doing a couple of things...growing wider and deeper. That's huge. So I'm praying harder than ever that God will help us put everything in place so that we can take advantage of this opportunity. Keep your eyes open in expectation folks.
I just finished looking over some stuff that we'll be using in about a month for one of our series and I'm really excited about that too. I'm just excited. I see opportunity. I see memorable experiences happening and I see our church doing a couple of things...growing wider and deeper. That's huge. So I'm praying harder than ever that God will help us put everything in place so that we can take advantage of this opportunity. Keep your eyes open in expectation folks.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hard To Ask
Why is it so hard to ask sometimes? Maybe you don't have the same issues, but sometimes I find it hard to ask people to give, participate, share, comment or meet. The weird thing is, it's not always uncomfortable. In fact, about the only time it's uncomfortable is when I'd be more bummed out than normal if I got a negative response.
For instance, think back to when you were dating - maybe looking for a prom date. You ranked your choices from the "perfect" date down to the "at-least-I-have-someone-to-go-with" date. Regardless of who you asked it was the same question - "Would you go prom with me?" But where they fell on the list determined how hard it was to ask the question. Why? Because the risk of rejection would hurt more. The bigger the risk, the harder it is to ask the question. Asking your boss for a pencil and asking for a promotion are both just questions right? Yeah, but you won't feel as bad if they won't give you a pencil as you will if they laugh you out of the office and don't give you a promotion. Some answers to our questions just hurt more.
When we started this church planting thing, I didn't have much of a problem asking people to support what we were doing - both financially and prayerfully. Now however, we're two years into it, those original commitments are about up, and I'm way more uncomfortable asking people to commit to one more year of support. I can only say it's because these are A-list people and churches and the risk of rejection would hurt more at this stage.
Even though, of all the people I've already spoken with, over 95% are going to continue their support, I'm still stalling, delaying, waiting and perhaps hoping that everything will just "work out." But I've got to "man up" and finish contacting people.
One other thing that enters my mind is that about 6 months ago, I just got swamped and stopped sending out my Ebeling update. After two months I knew it'd be pretty big so put it off until I could "do it right" (it's the perfectionist in me) and now here it is 6 months later and unless they read my blog, some people don't have a clue how much their support is making a difference in Greenville, NC. Shame on me - and being rejected would only increase that shame and guilt I feel. That's why I haven't asked.
So what kind of questions have you been afraid to ask?
For instance, think back to when you were dating - maybe looking for a prom date. You ranked your choices from the "perfect" date down to the "at-least-I-have-someone-to-go-with" date. Regardless of who you asked it was the same question - "Would you go prom with me?" But where they fell on the list determined how hard it was to ask the question. Why? Because the risk of rejection would hurt more. The bigger the risk, the harder it is to ask the question. Asking your boss for a pencil and asking for a promotion are both just questions right? Yeah, but you won't feel as bad if they won't give you a pencil as you will if they laugh you out of the office and don't give you a promotion. Some answers to our questions just hurt more.
When we started this church planting thing, I didn't have much of a problem asking people to support what we were doing - both financially and prayerfully. Now however, we're two years into it, those original commitments are about up, and I'm way more uncomfortable asking people to commit to one more year of support. I can only say it's because these are A-list people and churches and the risk of rejection would hurt more at this stage.
Even though, of all the people I've already spoken with, over 95% are going to continue their support, I'm still stalling, delaying, waiting and perhaps hoping that everything will just "work out." But I've got to "man up" and finish contacting people.
One other thing that enters my mind is that about 6 months ago, I just got swamped and stopped sending out my Ebeling update. After two months I knew it'd be pretty big so put it off until I could "do it right" (it's the perfectionist in me) and now here it is 6 months later and unless they read my blog, some people don't have a clue how much their support is making a difference in Greenville, NC. Shame on me - and being rejected would only increase that shame and guilt I feel. That's why I haven't asked.
So what kind of questions have you been afraid to ask?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Second Saturday Service
In just a little while, we'll be meeting for our Second Saturday Service. This is a regularly scheduled event that happens....hold on now....the 2nd Saturday of each month. Today since it's been pretty warm out lately, we've got hundreds of icee pops. Those little popsicles in a plastic sleeve. We'll hit the ball fields, parks and construction sites and just hand 'em out with a simple "Here ya go." When people do ask "Why?", which always happens because people are very suspicious of anything they get for free, we'll just tell them we're trying to show God's love in a practicle way, no strings attached.
People who come out to this for the first time are a little scared to begin with, but once they get the hang of it, most of them are hooked. It's so simple and it's action behind the's a tangible expression of God's love.
People who come out to this for the first time are a little scared to begin with, but once they get the hang of it, most of them are hooked. It's so simple and it's action behind the's a tangible expression of God's love.
Friday, July 13, 2007
My Wife Is Awesome
Wow, Lora was with Randy and Laci last night, and stayed there to make sure everything was going alright with breastfeeding and stuff like that. She gets back around 1AM, is up before 7 and wants to go to Green Springs (click to see some video) today with me and the boys because she hasn't been able to see me much this week! My wife is awesome!
So, we're off to the coolest privately owned waterpark type thingy I've ever been to. Don't know if my kids will jump off the fifth level (@ 50 ft) or not, but we're going with the youth from Discovery. How weird is it that Claude actually helped build this place when he was growing up? Who would have thought that he'd be back nearby as an adult, helping to start a church?
So, we're off to the coolest privately owned waterpark type thingy I've ever been to. Don't know if my kids will jump off the fifth level (@ 50 ft) or not, but we're going with the youth from Discovery. How weird is it that Claude actually helped build this place when he was growing up? Who would have thought that he'd be back nearby as an adult, helping to start a church?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Sharing The Joy
Randy and Laci had their little baby....Ella Grace is now here.
Scoot over to Randy's blog for pictures and leave 'em a little congratulations note.
Scoot over to Randy's blog for pictures and leave 'em a little congratulations note.
Another Baby Coming
Nope, not us - we don't have another one coming. Five of our own is fine (for now at least)
But for those of you who read this blog, I wanted to let you know that Randy and Laci have not YET had their baby, but Randy is planning on blogging the experience HERE. Now I say "planning" because I know Randy and I've been there for a birth more than once so who knows what he'll do. Take the poll
But for those of you who read this blog, I wanted to let you know that Randy and Laci have not YET had their baby, but Randy is planning on blogging the experience HERE. Now I say "planning" because I know Randy and I've been there for a birth more than once so who knows what he'll do. Take the poll
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Happy Birthday Hannah
Remember this...Lora was a little annoyed that I was posting pictures within 10 minutes of Hannah being born (but she really thinks it's cool now)
Here's what happened in order or you could just look at the beginning of July in the archives
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Love the memories.
Yep, I Guess We're Not A Real Church
Just read this article and apparently the Pope made clear that we at Discovery Church (and thousands of other churches) are not real churches and don't know how to point people to salvation in Jesus Christ. Wow. Sure, we've been called a cult already by some paranoid people, but now that the Pope is coming down on us, maybe we should just close up shop?!
What I do appreciate is a willingness to flat out state what he believes to be true. No beating around the bush there. Here's what we believe to be true.
Jesus Christ is the only possible hope individuals have for salvation and eternal life - not the Catholic church, Discovery Church or any other church, religion or denomination - just Jesus.
What I do appreciate is a willingness to flat out state what he believes to be true. No beating around the bush there. Here's what we believe to be true.
Jesus Christ is the only possible hope individuals have for salvation and eternal life - not the Catholic church, Discovery Church or any other church, religion or denomination - just Jesus.
Monday, July 09, 2007
If I Slip, I Can Get Back On
Getting ready to head out for some meetings and lunch and caught Sarah (my 3 yr old) sliding through the living room on a wooden block singing, "If I slip, I can get back on" over and over. It's part of the reason I love being able to work at home (some days).
I think that might be a bit of a lesson for me. There's some changes that are coming over the next few months at Discovery. Some might be a bit risky, but like my daughter says, "If I slip, I can get back on." Sounds like something God might want us singing.
Thank God for grace.
I think that might be a bit of a lesson for me. There's some changes that are coming over the next few months at Discovery. Some might be a bit risky, but like my daughter says, "If I slip, I can get back on." Sounds like something God might want us singing.
Thank God for grace.
Powerful Praise
At breakfast this morning, Hannah (almost 1) was toddling around the kitchen. She's a scavenger. Likes to pick up everything and either taste it or throw it. She had a small ziploc bag she was toting around and I tried to take it (since it's not exactly a kid-friendly toy). She didn't like that plan so she started moving and I followed her. She makes her way over to the garbage and tries to put it in there so the whole family cheers for her. When it fell out, she grabbed it again and handed it to me so we cheered for her again. Her face lit up and she spent the next few minutes wandering around, clapping her hands trying to get us to cheer, clap and scream for her again (and of course we obliged).
I tell this story because we're all like Hannah, we just want to receive a little praise. One little compliment at just the right time can turn a day around in the same way hurtful words and actions can ruin a day.
I remember playing high school sports. There's something addictive about hearing stands full of people cheer for you and your team. There's no such thing as too many "atta boys" and "good jobs". They're like fuel and they can help drive you to do better. And it's ok to want to hear the praises of men.
There's just too many times churches and religious people don't even say thanks because they erroneously think that the rewards of heaven are enough for people. That's like expecting pastors to work for free because "their reward will be in heaven" or not telling your wife you love her because she oughta know since you married her. Come on. People can just be such idiots sometimes.
So lavish praise on people. People in your home, at work, in your neighborhood. Tell your kid's coach how much you appreciate them giving their time (even if your kid is sitting on the bench). Cheer for your spouse when they get home from work and just tell them, "I'm so glad you're home." They might think you're crazy or are setting them up for something else, but that just goes to show you don't do this kind of stuff enough. Write your son or daughter a short note telling them what you're proud about and then leave it in their purse or wallet for them to find later.
Celebrate the simple things (remembering something, making a bed, doing a favor, cleaning the kitchen, finishing a project, or just putting the toilet seat down). It doesn't have to be a huge catered party. It can just be loud cheering out in public (in front of their friends or co-workers who may look at you funny but inside are wishing someone cared enough about them to act like that). So go celebrate. Praise is powerful.
I tell this story because we're all like Hannah, we just want to receive a little praise. One little compliment at just the right time can turn a day around in the same way hurtful words and actions can ruin a day.
I remember playing high school sports. There's something addictive about hearing stands full of people cheer for you and your team. There's no such thing as too many "atta boys" and "good jobs". They're like fuel and they can help drive you to do better. And it's ok to want to hear the praises of men.
There's just too many times churches and religious people don't even say thanks because they erroneously think that the rewards of heaven are enough for people. That's like expecting pastors to work for free because "their reward will be in heaven" or not telling your wife you love her because she oughta know since you married her. Come on. People can just be such idiots sometimes.
So lavish praise on people. People in your home, at work, in your neighborhood. Tell your kid's coach how much you appreciate them giving their time (even if your kid is sitting on the bench). Cheer for your spouse when they get home from work and just tell them, "I'm so glad you're home." They might think you're crazy or are setting them up for something else, but that just goes to show you don't do this kind of stuff enough. Write your son or daughter a short note telling them what you're proud about and then leave it in their purse or wallet for them to find later.
Celebrate the simple things (remembering something, making a bed, doing a favor, cleaning the kitchen, finishing a project, or just putting the toilet seat down). It doesn't have to be a huge catered party. It can just be loud cheering out in public (in front of their friends or co-workers who may look at you funny but inside are wishing someone cared enough about them to act like that). So go celebrate. Praise is powerful.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Lovin' Saturday
My two oldest are gone, my two middle were up at 3 and 6 saying they were hungry, a dozen or more ladies were here last night, some until after midnight and I was up before 6:15 just because I can't sleep. It's like I need to get up and read my Bible. I have to admit, that has NEVER happened before (at least not at 6AM on 6 hours of sleep - not me)
All that to say I feel like it should be lunch time and it's only a little after 9. I know there are things I could be doing, but it's Saturday. I'm going to be with my family, play with the kids, maybe mow the lawn, and then set up for church and go watch the UFC pay-per-view somewhere.
Usually though I'm just going and working and don't really stop thinking. I came to a realization as to why. I'm afraid to fail. You'd think that after watching God move (sell house in 1 day, find house in two, raise 70% of my 2 years of support in about 3 weeks, free furniture, adding staff, babies, etc) that I'd stop thinking I have anything to do with what's going on here. I mean, if God wants to bless, He's going to bless. And He has.
I think I mentioned that when we were at that camp in MN, there were some people that got excited about what we're doing and wanted to be a part of it. Some gave money. Some committed to pray. And one "crazy" will be driving up here today because he's planning on moving here to be a part of Discovery around the end of the month and needs to find a place to live and a job. Yep, you read that right. He's quitting his job, moving out and coming up here - no guarantees, no job, no place to live - yet. He's figuring if it's what God wants, he can't fail and everything will work out in the next 3-4 weeks.
So I'm taking today to hang with family and do very little in terms of "work." Not because I'm lazy, not because work is bad. It's because I'm trusting God more and more now. God can accomplish more in my break than I ever could working 24/7.
All that to say I feel like it should be lunch time and it's only a little after 9. I know there are things I could be doing, but it's Saturday. I'm going to be with my family, play with the kids, maybe mow the lawn, and then set up for church and go watch the UFC pay-per-view somewhere.
Usually though I'm just going and working and don't really stop thinking. I came to a realization as to why. I'm afraid to fail. You'd think that after watching God move (sell house in 1 day, find house in two, raise 70% of my 2 years of support in about 3 weeks, free furniture, adding staff, babies, etc) that I'd stop thinking I have anything to do with what's going on here. I mean, if God wants to bless, He's going to bless. And He has.
I think I mentioned that when we were at that camp in MN, there were some people that got excited about what we're doing and wanted to be a part of it. Some gave money. Some committed to pray. And one "crazy" will be driving up here today because he's planning on moving here to be a part of Discovery around the end of the month and needs to find a place to live and a job. Yep, you read that right. He's quitting his job, moving out and coming up here - no guarantees, no job, no place to live - yet. He's figuring if it's what God wants, he can't fail and everything will work out in the next 3-4 weeks.
So I'm taking today to hang with family and do very little in terms of "work." Not because I'm lazy, not because work is bad. It's because I'm trusting God more and more now. God can accomplish more in my break than I ever could working 24/7.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
A Choice To Make
I was just finishing catching up on the dozen or so blogs I read and I've gotta tell you - I'm stoked. I read these things that some of these other guys around the country are doing and how God is blessing their ministries and efforts and I could get discouraged.
But you know what? We're not them. I'm not them. The one thing that we do share in common though is that we're on the same team. We work for the same God. Our dreams of seeing hundreds of lives changed overlap. AND - we can learn from each other.
There's a choice to make. Compare, feel small and quit, or look at what God's doing and know that he could do more and greater things right here. I'm challenged, not discouraged. Challenged to get back to work. Challenged to take risks. Challenged to do it big. Challenged to pray more and harder. Challenged to spend money we don't have (yet) to reach people who don't know Jesus (yet) so we can impact a community that doesn't know what it's missing (yet).
I'm glad it's summer time and we've got other people speaking. It gives me time to think, dream, listen and plan for our future. Whatever it is, it's going to be good because God is good. he keeps showing me that here and around the country.
Pray for these guys. Pray for their churches and pray for me and Discovery Church.
- We haven't seen over 40 people get saved - let alone in ONE service [Steve Furtick - Elevation Church]
- We never had 2500 people come out to our family outreach event [Tadd Grandstaff - Pine Ridge Church]
- I don't have big churches contacting me trying to hire me away from our growning church [Gary Lamb - Ridgestone Church]
- We haven't baptized 80 people at one time [Scott Hodge - Orchard Valley]
- We haven't grown to over 10,000 people at church (in just 7 years) [Perry Noble - New Spring Church]
But you know what? We're not them. I'm not them. The one thing that we do share in common though is that we're on the same team. We work for the same God. Our dreams of seeing hundreds of lives changed overlap. AND - we can learn from each other.
There's a choice to make. Compare, feel small and quit, or look at what God's doing and know that he could do more and greater things right here. I'm challenged, not discouraged. Challenged to get back to work. Challenged to take risks. Challenged to do it big. Challenged to pray more and harder. Challenged to spend money we don't have (yet) to reach people who don't know Jesus (yet) so we can impact a community that doesn't know what it's missing (yet).
I'm glad it's summer time and we've got other people speaking. It gives me time to think, dream, listen and plan for our future. Whatever it is, it's going to be good because God is good. he keeps showing me that here and around the country.
Pray for these guys. Pray for their churches and pray for me and Discovery Church.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
So I THOUGHT I was going golfing this morning. I got to the golf course and looked around for the guys I thought I would be golfing with. Didn't see their cars, couldn't get a hold of any of the three I tried. I called my wife while I got my socks on and got ready to put on my golf shoes. That's when it happened.
I saw them pull up to the first tee and get ready to tee off. They already had a foursome -albeit, not the four I was expecting. That put me in a bind. Were they expecting a fifth? Was it me or the other guy I expected to see? What to do.
I decided that since it was the 4th and a holiday and the place was busier than normal, that I'd forgo the nature walk and go back and hang with my family. Got back and went for a walk, played some bocce ball and caught some pitches and tossed the ball around. All said, I think it was a good call - even though I still feel like a little bit of a loser.
I saw them pull up to the first tee and get ready to tee off. They already had a foursome -albeit, not the four I was expecting. That put me in a bind. Were they expecting a fifth? Was it me or the other guy I expected to see? What to do.
I decided that since it was the 4th and a holiday and the place was busier than normal, that I'd forgo the nature walk and go back and hang with my family. Got back and went for a walk, played some bocce ball and caught some pitches and tossed the ball around. All said, I think it was a good call - even though I still feel like a little bit of a loser.
Still Not Quite In The Swing Of Things
Wow, I'm back and it's Wednesday and I haven't been really good about posting much. I guess I'm still not back into the swing of things.
So in honor of Independence Day and in an attempt to rectify that, I'm going golfing. Whoo hoo. Don't get to do that enough. See you in the clubhouse later...maybe I'll be buying drinnks for everyone because I got a hole in one (which would actually be my second mind you). We'll see.
Have a wonderful 4th of July.
So in honor of Independence Day and in an attempt to rectify that, I'm going golfing. Whoo hoo. Don't get to do that enough. See you in the clubhouse later...maybe I'll be buying drinnks for everyone because I got a hole in one (which would actually be my second mind you). We'll see.
Have a wonderful 4th of July.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Great To Be Back
We got back home around 10 on Friday night. I spent the better part of yesterday just going through all the snail mail and emails that had accumulated - that's the part I hate about coming home from a vacation. But after hundreds and hundreds of emails and a hundred pounds of snail mail, the sorting has been done and I've gotten to the bottom of it!
Went last night and set up for church (which is why I can be typing this at 8AM) and Randy will be speaking. Changed the setup around and I think it's going to be a great service. Randy's parents are also in town, just like the last time he spoke, and we didn't even plan it that way.
Well, off to "work" - I love this place.
Went last night and set up for church (which is why I can be typing this at 8AM) and Randy will be speaking. Changed the setup around and I think it's going to be a great service. Randy's parents are also in town, just like the last time he spoke, and we didn't even plan it that way.
Well, off to "work" - I love this place.
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